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At Helms Deep the banners of Saruman, black, bearing his white hand are flying on the Hornsburg. Dawn has come. The Uruk-hai are using their ram to batter down the Great Hall doors. Men are running to barricade it from behind. ''The fortress is taken. It is over,'' Theoden breathes. Aragorn runs with Legolas and Iladya to carry more barricades to the door. ''You said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it. They still defend it. They have died defending it!'' Aragorn yells. ''Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves?'' Aragorn asks but Theoden doesn't answer. ''Is there no other way?'' he urges. ''There is one passage, it leads into the mountains. But they will not get far. The Uruk-Hai are too many.'' The Uruk-hai continue to batter the doors.
''So much death,'' Theoden dreams, ''what can Men do against such reckless hate?'' Aragorn seems to think as the Uruk-Hai ram the door again. ''Ride out with me,'' he breathes, ''ride out and meet them.'' ''For death and glory,'' Theoden gasps. ''For Rohan. For your people.'' ''Aragorn,'' Iladya calls. Aragorn turns to Iladya. ''The sun is rising.'' Aragorn looks to the window as he hears Gandalf's voice. ''Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn ... look east.''
The soldiers made haste to their horses before the door was broken down. ''Let this be the hour when we draw swords together,'' Theoden places a hand on Aragorn's shoulder. Gimli leaves to blow the shown of the Helm Hammerhand. ''Fell deeds, awake! Now for wrath, now for ruin ... and a red dawn!''Aragorn draws his sword. Theoden puts on his helmet. Gimli blows the horn. The Uruk-hai break through the inner door. Theoden, mounted on his horse, next to Aragorn, Iladya and Legolas raise his sword in the air. ''Forth Eorlingas!''
They gallop through the masses of Uruk-hai through the hall, killing those in their path. Gimli sounds the horn again, as they leave Helms Deep and ride onto the causeway where thousands of Uruk-hai still crowd. Suddenly Aragorn is drawn to white light and looks up.

Gandalf appears on top of the hill top next to Helms Deep riding Shadowfax who rears. ''Gandalf,'' Aragorn breathes. ''Theoden King stands alone,'' Gandalf speaks. Eomer rides up behind him, ''he is not alone.'' He raises his sword. ''Rohirrim!'' The Rohirrim ride up behind Eomer. The Uruk-Hai stop fighting and look up.
''Eomer,'' Theoden breathes. ''TO THE KING!'' Eomer yells. Eomer, Gandalf and the Rohirrim ride down the steep hill towards the Uruks who surge forward holding their spears in front of them. As Gandalf nears the Uruks he sends out bright white light from his staff, blinding the Uruk-hai. They ride over the Uruk-hai and into their masses, killing and fighting. The Uruk-hai are fleeing from Helms Deep, Theoden, Gandalf, Aragorn, Iladya, and Legolas ride after them. They run to where a forest of trees has suddenly appeared. Eomer suddenly rides out in front of the men. ''Stay out of the forest! Keep away from the trees!'' Eomer demands.
They stand and watch as the Uruk-hai flee into the trees. The trees begin to move and screams are heard from the Uruk-hai as the trees apparently kill them.

Back in Helms Deep, Iladya walks up to Eowyn who is very pleased to see her, holds her face and hugs her.
In Helms Deep, men are piling up the dead Uruk-Hai. Gimli sits on an Uruk-Hai smoking his pipe. ''Final count,'' Legolas walks up to him, ''forty-two.'' ''Forty-two? That's not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling. I myself am sitting on a pretty forty-three.'' Legolas swiftly draws an arrow and shoots it between Gimli's legs at the Uruk-hai he is sitting on. ''Forty-three,'' Legolas smirks. ''He was already dead!'' Gimli grunts. ''He was twitching,'' Legolas mentions. ''He was twitching,'' Gimli says and shakes his axe, ''because he's got my axe embedded in his nervous system!''

Aragorn searches for Iladya as he bumps into Eowyn. ''My apologies, my lord,'' Eowyn apologises. Aragorn waves away her apology and asks for Iladya. ''She is in the weaponry, my lord,'' Eowyn answers. Aragorn nods and heads to weaponry. Aragorn takes a quick scan before closing the door. Locking it. "Adoness?" Aragorn calls. "In here." Aragorn follows the sound of her voice. He walks into her, sharpening her blades. "It was quite a task to find you," he speaks. "Yet, here you are."
He stalks closer and gets a hold of her sword. He puts it aside and straddles her lap. Iladya is surprised by the sudden move and allows herself to experience it. She looks at him and tilts her head. Aragorn leans in until he is near her pretty, pointed ears. "You said I owe you one," he whispers, "if we'd make it out alive. And guess what ... we made it out alive." He smirks once he sees the goosebumps on her neck.
She chuckled. Chuckled. "This battle is over," she whispers, "and the first thing you want to do ... is to make love?" Aragorn looks her in the eyes, "as the object of my desire ... yes." Aragorn places a hand on her cheek and neck, his thumb caressing her thumb. "Why are you staring at me like that? I'm looking like an Orc after battle," Iladya speaks. Aragorn chuckles, "in that case, what would I look like then, hm?" "You look ... like the most handsome, future King of Gondor," she smiles and places a kiss on his lips. And another one. And another one. It was for Aragorn to put his hand behind her head to prevent her from pulling back. Aragorn could feel the smile on her lips.
"Perhaps, we should make some haste," Aragorn's breathing fastened, "I do not know when we leave for Isengard." "Anything you wish, my lord." Iladya smirks as she hears the low groan from his throat. "I am yours," she whispers. Aragorn slowly undoes her from her tunic. His hands roam down her shoulders to her breasts, down her stomach to her abdomen. Iladya could only shiver and whimper under his touch. "You are beautiful, my lady," Aragorn whispers. He made her sit on his, still, warm tunic rather than on a cold, stone bench. "Spread your legs for me," he whispers. She does as he says before his fingers start exploring her. He inserts his finger and chuckles, "you are so wet.'' Iladya couldn't help but chuckle as well. ''I need you, Elessar,'' she whimpers.
''Do you want me to speed up, my lady?'' Aragorn asks sweetly, teasing her clitoris. ''Yes,'' she moans, ''please.'' He smirks as he rises onto his feet. He spits in his hand and wets his own cock before lining himself. ''Brace yourself, my lady,'' he whispers before slowly pushing through. Iladya lets out a sharp breath. Aragorn slowly pushes until he is fully fitted. He carefully watches Iladya's expression, waiting for him to proceed. Iladya slowly breathes out as she makes eye contact with her lover, nodding. Aragorn slowly starts to thrust at a swift pace. He holds eye contact with Iladya, increasing his pace. He held one hand behind her head, to steady her position. ''Aragorn,'' she whispers. ''Hold it,'' he grunts, ''I need you to wait.'' Aragorn increases his pace, making it difficult for Iladya as she lets out another moan. ''Aragorn,'' she moans. ''Iladya,'' he moans. He could feel her climax coming. He could feel her vagina clenching around his cock. ''You may now,'' Aragorn moans. They both reach their climaxes as they chuckle. ''You were wonderful, my lady,'' he smirks, kissing her once again. ''You have the pace, my lord,'' she grins, ''although, we now must gather with the others before one of them should miss us.'' Aragorn bows his head, ''of course, my lady.'' They both get dressed. They share one last kiss as Iladya is the first one to leave the weaponry. However, Aragorn gets a hold of her hand and pulls her back into another kiss.
''Dear Elessar, I have to go now,'' she chuckles. ''That's why I needed one more,'' he smirks, after letting her go. He watches her leave the weaponry as he found himself smiling. Smiling at how lucky he is. I love you, Elessar.
For now.

      For now

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