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"Where should I go???" I spoke to myself.

"What happened Shiri Sharma ??" Someone from back asked.

I looked back. It was Darshan Raval... my classmate.

"Nothing.. just I'm lost.. actually I'm not getting our classroom."

He looked at me in confusion.

"Okay.. no need to give that look. It's my second day in the school..."

"Ya ya..come with me." He replied.

"O yes! I remember you were saying that you don't know our section..." He said while walking.

" It's A ... we are in class VI A . And it's okay if you don't know where is our classroom because the board of the class is not yet placed because the classes are shifted this year."

I just smiled back n yes this time I focused where I was going.

I entered the room.. Swara was sitting on the seat and chatting with Jyugal and Kritesh... I just came and sat on the seat... The three said "Hi" to me and Darshan.
We too replied back..

"Hey everyone... Today the chemistry class will not be taken because your chemistry teacher is absent today."
A teacher said and went away...

"Woah !!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Okay so what should we play now ?? "Kritesh replied.

"Should we play basketball?" Swara questioned

"Yes!! Why not..." We four replied instantly.

Although I love basketball but still I'm not very good at it. I and Swara tried our best but we couldn't win...

"Yayyy!!! We won ...." The boys teased us..

"Fine it's all about trying.. winning and losing are just names."I replied back.

"Hn hn ...ab toh yahi bacha hai kehne k liye. " Darshan said with a victorious smile.

 " Darshan said with a victorious smile

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"Okay.. let's go guys!! Class is over" Swara told us.

"Yaa .. let's go..." Jyugal replied back.

We came to our class all exhausted and tired. I don't know how I felt asleep in the maths class.

I got up as the bell rang for the next period. What a pleasing sleep.. i thought to myself.

"So... Are we friends?? " Darshan asked me in the lunch break.

" Friends?? Hmmm......
Is it still unclear?? Offcourse!! " I smiled at him.

"Woah! I have a girl to accompany me in this boy's triangle.. " Swara exclaimed.

"Ya ya sure. " I chuckled.

This day was not very boring...
All day we were chatting and giggling.
Although I'm a introvert...but once I become friendly to someone, no-one can control me.

The school got over and I was waiting at the school gate for my parents to come n pick me up..

Swara came and whispered "He was saying.... You look cute while sleeping...."

I looked at her with a confusing look but she just passed away from there.

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