Swara is here!

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I woke up around 6:00 a.m. and within an hour got ready because i had to leave for airport to recieve Swara. Around 7:00 I was waiting for Swara to come out. There she was bubbly, with a big smile on her face.
She came and hug me tightly. After few minutes we settled in car and I drove to apartment. We reached the place for around 8:15 or something, I was getting late. I hurriedly helped her with the luggage and knocked the door. Shreya and Ritika opened the door with a smile and gave a warm welcome to her. I told Swara that I'm leaving Shrey will help her out with everything as she was free for just 3 more days. I took my lunch prepared by my two lovely roommates and rushed to the office.
There was nothing so special in the day, just a few moments of relaxation during the lunch with Gaurav and 1-2 colleagues. Later I texted Darsh and told him about the arrival of Swara. He was very happy to know then I told him about my plan to surprise her by his and Jyugal's visit to us as I haven't told her anything about it. He loved the idea. After few other chats we decided the timing to be 6:00 of Saturday Eve. Also i reminded him to bring his other bandmates and also the lucky girl who was his girlfriend.
After this I decided to inform Gaurav about the timings. Suddenly, a thought stroke into my mind. Should I invite Akshay too?? Yes, I should, he is now a part of my life and we should share things, therefore I texted him if he could join us. He agreed to the plan.
Later, after completing my work I rushed to home. I could not wait to talk to Swara, so many stuff and things need to be discussed.
I reached and pressed the doorbell, within few moments Ritz opened the door. I came inside and saw Swara and Shrey were sitting and watching TV. I liked that they were not feeling uncomfortable. Within few minutes I changed into normal t-shirt and shorts and came to living room.

"So everyone, how was your day?"

"All good, rushed to dance academy, rehearsed for the next event the whole day and then back to home." This was reply by Ritz.

"Nothing special, just after you left I got fresh and after my breakfast I took a short nap while Shreya went to take bath."Swara said

"After taking bath I came and the rest day was just chilling out. We completed our work. Later we just chatted a bit."

"Guys, let's go for shopping tomorrow. What say?"

"Who'll say no ?" Three replied at once.

"Okay, so, Swara why don't you sleep in my room. "


"You are sleeping."

"Achha thik hai baba."

After that we chatted a bit , had our dinner then again we started our talks. Shrey and Ritz both were very friendly to Swara. They are indeed one of the purest souls.

After talking alot we decided to sleep. It was already around 1 am.


I woke up as usual around 9, got fresh and after few practice session got ready for the studio.
I went and the band was already there.

We started the practice and then I got a message from Shiri about tomorrow's plan

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We started the practice and then I got a message from Shiri about tomorrow's plan. Oh I almost forgot I had to inform Mia about the party.

 Oh I almost forgot I had to inform Mia about the party

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After lunch I called Mia. She picked up the call

"Hi, Mia! Where are you?"

"Hey, darsh! I'm at the shoot. What happened?"

"Nothing, just asking if you can join us to my friend's place. She is my childhood friend and we are meeting after a long so she invited everyone at her house."

"Umm.. what time?"

"Tomorrow, Around 6 in evening"

"Ok, I'll be free by that. Text me the address"

"Hn sure. Ok bye take care."

"Take care, love you"

We hung up the call.
Later in the evening when Jyugal arrived I told him about our plans for tomorrow. He agreed for it instantly.

We chatted a while and then went into our rooms.

This part is dedicated to Sayani_Dz1D 💙

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