A truth

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The next day we reached back to Mumbai and decided to take rest and got things settled. We arranged our things and ended up ordering pizza and after having the dinner we slept due to tiredness.

Next day ....

I got up at 5 am got freshen up and prepared the breakfast. It was almost 8 am so I decided to wake Darsh up. I went into the room.

"Darshan! Darshan get up. It's 8 o'clock"

"It's just 8 o'clock Shiri" he said lazily.

"I have to leave for office, Darsh"

No answer.

"Fine... I have set the alarm for 9:30, and the breakfast is in the fridge. Rest everything is on their respective place so be ready by 11. You have meeting with Naushad bhai.. bye, take care"

I got dressed and went to the indie office. Everyone greeted me as Mrs. Raval. Oh god.. I don't know what I was feeling..

"Good morning" I heard a voice.

"Good morning Shrey" I greeted her back.

"So... Back to work?"

"Yes ma'am"

After a quick chat with her I went in my cabin and drowned myself into work. In the afternoon Darshan came into the cabin with lunch.

"Acting caring!?" I said with a smirk.

"A bit... Or maybe not I came to find a place to sit and have my lunch." He replied with a wink

"Haha.. whatever"

"Come.. food's getting cold"

"Just a minute"

At 5 pm we decided to leave for home back. But then Darshan's phone rang.


"It was Mia.. she was saying that she want to talk to us."


"Yes .. let's go."


We were 20 minutes away from Mia's flat than again his phone rang. He stopped the car at a side and spoke to the person. I noticed his face's temperature rising.. he is angry? What happened suddenly?

"What happened? Who was it?"

"It was our lawyer.. he told that Akshay is granted bail.. and he is bailed by none other than Mia"

"Relax Darsh! There must be a reason behind it! And we are going to her place after all... Just calm down"

He nodded and started the car. We reached at Mia's flat. As we went inside a fear crept in my heart seeing angry Darshan.

"Mia, may I ask you one thing?"

"Yes sure, Darshan"

"Why did you bail Akshay?"

"How.. how do you know that..."

"That's not the answer"

I saw Darshan raising his voice, I had no option but to interrupt...
"Darshan please calm down.. wait she is saying something. Try to understand."
He just nodded

"Actually.. actually I wanted to tell you something.. that I love Akshay.. we love each other and that's why he didn't marry Shiri. We didn't had any intention to hurt you both.. it was just a mistake made by one of our friend. He ruined everything by forcing you to marry Shiri. We are really sorry. "

"That's alright Mia. It was all written no need to say sorry.. where is Akshay? " I passed a smile to her.

"He is getting fresh"

"Oh! "

"Shiri.. I'm waiting for you in the car.." saying this Darshan went outside.

"Mia please don't take his behaviour to heart, you know he was not prepared for this. You know very well he is innocent in these matters."

"Ya.. I know"

"Wait for 10 minutes.. I'll bring him back" saying this I went behind Darshan.

I reached near the car, he was already sitting inside I got inside and said..

"Listen Darsh.. I know you are angry but don't you think that you should have listened to them also. It was just the fate that played with us.. and I know this too that you expected that they might have told everything before but they might be afraid. I hope you are understanding what I want to say."

"I know you are good in proving your opinion correct. It's fine.. I'm convinced."

"That's so sweet of you.. now let's go and congratulate them!"

"Yes.. let's go"

We went back to them and congratulated them. After few random talks we decided to return back.

"Darsh! I'm really bored. I haven't watched any movie or visited any place in recent because of so busy schedule.."

"Umm... What about a movie? "

"Nice idea! That would be great!"

"Okay then.. I think we should invite others too! "

"Sure sure... I'll call them. "

I called Shreya, Ritika, Sid and Hardil. Ritika and Hardil had some important work so only Shreya and Sid were ready for the plan. We decided to bring chips chocolates etc for the snacks and reached back at our place.


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