Things getting normal

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We reached home and after the welcome of new bride we went into our rooms, Shiri after changing her clothes went to kitchen while I was in balcony. I went downstairs after changing, Vrinda kaki had already made the breakfast and Shiri was helping her in plating.

We called dad for the breakfast but there was a knock at door. I went to open the door and found that the remaining luggage has arrived. I got things got settled and went near the dinning area.

Rajendra Uncle: You know beta, I always wanted that my son gets married to a lovely, caring and sweet girl. It was my secret desire to get you as my daughter in law, my daughter! and see the cycle of life... My wish came true. Don't worry.. you never feel alone here.

Shiri just nods her head and after this Dad left for his room. I went to the table and we too had our breakfast. It was quite silent meal and after that I went into room. After a while Shiri entered our room.

Shiri: So.. have you thought?

Darshan: About?

Shiri: About your blue family, media and...

Darshan: And?

Shiri: Mia

I almost forgot about this... I was so tensed that I didn't even had time to think about all this. Offcourse what I did was a wrong step in Mia's point of view. And then again the words of Dad ringed into my head.

Shiri: Darshan?

Darshan: Yes... I guess we should give this relation a chance.

I don't know what I just uttered... Am I out of my mind?

Shiri: I don't have any problem with it but first of all... You need to talk to Mia about it.

Darshan: Yes for sure... I suppose she already knows about our marriage as the news is already out. I will call her in evening... Maybe she will be quite busy right now.

Shiri: Okay

Darshan: I guess you should take rest, seems you are so much stressed.

Shiri: Yes. Once I complete my work.

They worked for an hour and then Darshan finds Shiri dozed off while working. He closes the files and laptop, keeps them on table and pulls comforter over Shiri while he himself sits on bed resting his back on bedrest. He too falls asleep in a while.

Later in the evening, Darshan called Mia...

Darshan: Mia.. you know...

Mia: Darshan, I guess you had no other option. We will talk about it once you come back to Mumbai. Also I have to want to tell you something. I feel we had no future together as things between us were not working. Don't worry.. I really think Shiri is the one for you. Sorry I have to go... see you soon

I just hummed and hanged up the call.

Shiri: what did she say?

Darshan: she said that she can understand and rest we will have a talk once we reach Mumbai back and .... Nothing

Shiri: Oh... That's good that she is not upset.

A quiet day passed away...
For the rest few days we did after marriage rituals at our house and after a week things started getting normal. We used to spend time, help each other and discuss our daily thoughts with each other. We got used to each other's presence in our life.


Two weeks later...

Darshan: Dad, I think now we should return to Mumbai.. lots of work are pending, I have to dub songs and Shiri too has to join the Indie music

RU: Yes beta, I think you took a good break and now you should join your work and work even harder.

Darshan: Yes dad! So.. should I book the tickets for tomorrow?

RU: That's fine with me.. Shiri beta, is it ok with you?

Shiri: Yes dad.. it's fine with me too.. but can I meet my parents before leaving for Mumbai?

RU: Is this a question beta... Offcourse.. today we will go to your place for snacks.

Shiri: Thank you dad!

RU: My daughter keeps thanking me every day!

Shiri: Aww.. love you dad!

Darshan: I am not a statue guys...

Shiri and RU : Uff this jealous kid !


In the evening three of us went to visit Shiri's parents. While returning back everyone became emotional. I assured Shiri's parents that I will take care of her, protect her from all the evils, and support her on her every step. With this promise we stepped out of their place though Shiri was quite sad that night but next day we took our flight and returned back.

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