Clearing things out

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I got up quite late. Everyone was busy in something or the other, I went and met Shiri's mother. She told that the girls are almost ready and we are about to begin the function in an hour. I went to Hardil, Jyugal and others. They were almost ready, they informed me to get ready and we have to bring Akshay once he gets ready. I was almost ready when Sid started shouting at me, "Common yaar Darshan, we are already very late."

"Coming Bhavasar ji, in a minute."

Finally I was ready and went outside the washroom.

Sid: You look handsome Darshan!

Darshan: Thankyou.. you all are looking amazing guys.

Hardil: Now lets go otherwise we will make the groom late too.

Jyugal: Yes lets go.

Before we could proceed, we were called by Shiri's father, he complimented us and told Sid and Jyugal to help him out in somethng, They agreeily went to help him while I along with Hardil went inside Akshay's room.

As soon as we entered the room, we found a phone ringing. i took the phone, I searched for Akshay but he was not found anywhere, Hardil checked the whole house but could not find him while I started thinking if everything is alright, the phone started ringing again. I thought to pick up the phone and inform to call later....

Me: Hello, Sorry but Akshay is not available right now, once he is free we will inform about the call.

Voice: Who's this speaking?

Me: Darshan

Voice: So, Mr. Darshan, this is to inform you that Akshay is with us, we have kidnapped him and as you have picked up the call, we want that you gonna marry Shiri at his place. Don't act smart and tell anybody about this except for the person standing next to you. Get ready and be married to Shiri. If you don't ... Do remember there is a bomb hidden in the mandap. Be quick. And don't dare to inform the police.

Before I could ask the reason or something else the call declined... I told Hardil about this, he told that he could not find Akshay anywhere and if we have to save lives of hundreds of people, I am supposed to marry Shiri. I could do nothing but get dressed up and cover my face with the sehra. I told Hardil to try to find the bomb as soon as possible.

After few minutes, I was taken to the mandap and thus was married to Shiri.. the whole marriage Hardil kept fidgeting here and there but it was of no use as we could find the hidden bomb. As soon as the marriage was over we stood to take blessings, Shiri's mother told to remove the sehra.. I got nervous, how is everyone going to react when they find me in place of Akshay? What will be Shiri's reaction? I have married her without her acknowledgement. I removed the sehra and as expected everyone was looking at me with shocking, questioning looks! I opened my mouth to say something but the police arrived on time... yes I managed to call the Comissioner and inform everything, they assured to track the location of the call and told to act calmly until the officers arrive since many lives along with Akshay is under kidnapper's finger snap... They brought Akshay with them but in different condition... Handcuffed!

Police: Hello Mr. Raval! So actually it was a plan by Akshay.. he was neither kidnapped nor there is any bomb in the mandap. He was at his friends place from where one of his friend called at his number and cooked the story of his kidnapping. All of them are under police custody now.

I was shocked after this statement.. Why did he do all this?

Akshay: I love somebody else and I was forced to marry Shiri by my parents, so I decided to backoff from the marriage but then I thought why not plan up something like this so that I am proved innocent in front of everyone. I went to my friend's house and he called at my number and Darshan picked it up. We informed him to get married to Shiri and before we could proceed the next step the police caught us.

I was about to pull the collar of Akshay for playing with the feelings of Shiri and using me as an instrument but before I could do anything I felt a weight on my back.. Shiri almost fell but I held her we took to a room and told the inspector to look after the case. My first priority was to take care of Shiri as she is my best friend and also my wife now.

I lifted her in bridal style and entered in a room, placing her on the bed I told Ritika to bring a glass of water. Everyone was worried about Shiri after few minutes she gained her concious and told that she is fine. Everyone said all this is Destiny and as we are married we should plan to depart to my house.

This part is dedicated to ShreyaGarg889 💙


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