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3 moths later....


"Why is he smiling so much?
What are they talking about?
Don't you think he is sticking so much to her!"

"Ma'am, are you saying something?"

"No nothing.. "

"Okay, and do you need anything?"

"No I don't need anything. I think it's almost time so you can leave now. If I need something I'll take it myself. Thank you"

"Okay ma'am, Bye"

"Bye.. take care"
"Darshan Raval you are gone today! Why did I agree to come with him on his shoot but I thought it would be great experience. But the shooting is almost over and he did not bother to check me. Everybody is so busy! The love birds S and S are busy in themselves and my dear husband is busy with the co actress. Nobody cares about me!"

I checked my phone and just then Swara called me. I went outside to answer her call.

"Hello Ri!"

"Heyya! Wassup?"

"Everything good. And you?"

"I am also good"

"Reached home?"

"Not yet.. actually we have not left for home yet. Darshan is still busy with the shoots."

"Oh.. okay! Btw you enjoyed behind the scenes?"

"Yes offcourse! It was great. I am thinking how hard the whole team works behind a music video. They do great hardwork!"


"How's Gaurav?"

"He is super good! Was asking about you just now."

"Why will someone remember a friend after such a beautiful girlfriend!?"

"To thank you"- Gaurav

"He is listening to us?"

"Yes madam"


"Accha.. choose black or red?"

"Black will suit you for the date!"


"Thank you!!! Now go and get ready or you'll be late!"

"Byeee, Love yaaaa!"

"Love you too"

I turned and was about to go back but Darshan came out.


"Yes.. whom were you talking?"

"To my boyfriend!"

"Seriously? You can't ditch me like this wifey!"

"Why can't I? When you can flirt with your co- actress?"

"Is someone jealous?"

"Offcourse not!"

"I can see... Come inside the car, let's gooooo!!!"

Am I jealous? But why? Because I am his wife?

"What are you thinking Mrs. Raval?"

"Nothing! Darshan... See everyone is enjoying and you are not giving me a proper treat also! Momos please" I said making puppy face.

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