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6 years later...


"Darsh!! Give it back...." Shiri demanded

"What ?? "

"As if you don't know...."


"Darshhhh.... My specsss... Please...."

"Oh.. specs.. I won't give it."

"Why not!?.."

I was interrupted by Swara.

"Hey guys! Let's go... the principal is ready to announce the winners.. come we can't be late..."

"Ya.. let's go.. Darsh! Give it to me..."

"Fine for now,"

"Sure...but come with us now" Shiri commanded.

"See Mr Darshan Raval we are late 'again' , isn't it?? "

"Common it's called swag Ri! "

"Hn hn Darshan Raval ka swag" we both chuckled.

The principal started distributing prizes. Now it was turn for best skit writing. She got nervous..

"So..what do you think?? Who'll win??" Shiri wispered in my ear.

"Is it a question...?? Offcourse... Miss Shiri Sharma..."

"Shiri Sharma" the principal announced her name.

She was very happy. I was happy to see her happy.


I went on the stage. Feeling so proud it may be small thing for others but a big for me.

Now it was time for a big announcement... The best singing competition....

"What do you think.. who will win??"

"Who.. none other than.. Darshan Raval.." I smiled.

"Darshan Raval"

I was overwhelmed by the announcement.


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I could see him smiling. After-all he deserves it, he tried his best. There's a magic in his voice... There are no words to describe his melodious voice...

The program was over, We came outside. Swara, Jyugal and Kritesh and others congratulated us. It was a beautiful day..

Everyone was congratulating us. It was his first step towards his dreams.

Suddenly, my phone rang... I went to answer it and came back after 2 minutes.

"My parents won't be coming today to take me" I told them.

"Bt Swara left for her home.. " Darshan informed me

" Oh !! Now I have to go alone''

"No worries.. I'll accompany you.."

" Are you sure?? Mtlb aisa to nhi you have to face any problem because of me...?? "

"Problem.. hmm ??"

"Okay fine.. let's go"

"Let me call my parents.. I'll tell I'm coming with you."

"They trust me more than you.. okay..??"

"I know that very well.."

I knew he was correct, my parents consider him as if he is their son. They believe in him more than me.

We walked in road silently.. finally I broke the ice between us..

"So.. have you decided about your future??"


"I mean... We are in class 12th now we have to choose a field for further studies na???"

"Achha... Actually dad wants me to study engineering and you know I'm not at all interested in it. Not even 1%...
I want to sing, even if I fail in life I will be happy that I failed in singing... A want to fail for my passion. Idk what is the future has for me..."

I listened to him, he had a faith in his voice. I was sure he gonna rule over hearts in future.

"And.. what about you?? What have you planned..?"

"Planned.. oh nothing! I am told that I have to be an engineer." I had no words.

" But.. what about your passion?? Are you interested in it? "

"It hardly matters!"

"How can you say that it hardly matters! It's your life... You have right to take decisions for your life."

"Oh Darsh.. let's not talk about this."

"You can tell me..."

"Well.. I want to be a writer. I love writing essays, stories, songs, plays"

" but you know Darsh I know I have to end up being......"

"Let's go..."

He took me to my favorite cafe infact "our favorite cafe"

"Come, sit here..." He ordered.

"Two black coffees" We said together.

"Okay, Now listen to me... See everyone has problems in life but always remember we have a single life and we have to decide how to live. If following your passion gives happiness to you, you should surely follow it. Living without happiness is not worth living. I just wanna say ki you should never stop trying and give your writing a chance."

His words were giving strength to me. I wished I could hug him tightly. Thank him for motivating me.

"Ri! You want hug?? "

"How could you read my mind?? "

"I smart enough!"

"I smart enough!"

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