Messed and Mended

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Shiri walked into her boss's cabin

Shiri: May I come in sir?

Boss: yes please come in.

Shiri: good afternoon sir.. you called me?

Boss: yes Shiri, so let me talk to the point ik you are quite busy with your life, bt still it's my first priority to see the benefit of the company. You have taken so many holidays in last 15 days and here you have sent another leave application. I know this leave is for marriage bt then I think you should take a break from your job. Take some time and after your busy schedule do try for a job after a month or two. It's just a suggestion bcoz the higher ranks are not permitting me to give you a leave.

Shiri: I understand what you want to say sir. And I think you are correct. I will send my resignation before leaving today. Thank you
(In mind: I know your concerns... Concerns my foot. Bt idk I felt like it's a good choice. I'll get some time for myself.)

Darshan calling.....

Shiri: Hiii... How are you?

Darshan: Ri, I have to talk something. Can we meet at 6pm?

Shiri: okay.. but you are fine na?

Darshan: that we will talk.

Shiri: ok see you soon. Bye

Darshan: bye

Shiri gave her resignation and moved out of office. She went to the place decided and found Darshan there.

Shiri: hey! What happened?

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Shiri: hey! What happened?

Darshan: Ri, yk Mia and I are not able to spend time together. Now I feel it's a relation just for a name. Neither I feel anything for her nor I believe she has any feelings for me. And I think we are not meant for each other.

Shiri: I guess you are thinking much. Everyone has a busy life and you are saying that now you don't love her anymore?

Darshan: the thing is I'm feeling that it was just an attraction.

Shiri: I think I don't have any right to say anything. But I'll surely say that you should give one more chance.

Darshan: ok... btw you got the leave for marriage?

Shiri: yeah! For 2-3 months atleast I guess.

Darshan: you got leave for 2 months?

Shiri: I got leave from that job forever.

Darshan: umm.. sad but..

Shiri: but I'm not sad. Instead kind of happy

Darshan: oh it's great then, when are you going Ahmedabad?

Shiri: I'm leaving for Ahmedabad after two days. Yk marriage rituals stuff. So... When are you coming? N Jyugal, Siddharth and Hardil?

Darshan: I guess I'll join after 5 days. That means two days prior the wedding day and others join the same day. Yk I'm going on a small holiday kind of stuff. Chilling at Ahmedabad. What about Swara and others?

Shiri: nice idea. Yes Swara, Shreya and Ritz are coming with me. Gaurav will join in I guess 5-6 days. Wait I have not confirmed from Naushad Bhai when is he visiting.

Darshan: you should call him now only

Shiri: yes sure.

Hello, good evening bhai

Good evening Shiri, how are you?

I'm good bhai. Actually I wanted to ask that I wanted a leave for my wedding so I won't be able to come for one month.

Yes shreya told me about it. There is no problem bcoz our work for one month is set. Moreover Darshan and others are going on a small holiday in Ahemdabad.

Ok Thank you bhai.btw when are you joining us?

I guess I'll come a day before as I have a meeting lined up. But you have great fun.

Ok bhai.

Umm... Shiri, I wanted to say that I would love if you join as a permanent writer in Indie. Ik you are busy with your own job but we'll love if you take a permanent job at IML.

I guess you are godfather to me. Actually I lost my job today bcoz of regular leaves n you are offering me a job, today itself.

Ohh.. I guess you have lost your job bcoz of us only then surely it will be a good way of apology.

No need to be sorry bhai. You are always thinking of my betterment. But I'll join after a month.

Ya, no problem. See you soon.

Yes bye take care

You too.

Darshan: kya hua?

Shiri: he'll join two days prior. And again bhai acted as a saviour. He has offered me a permanent position as a writer at Indie.

Darshan: it's great news then ! Congratulations

Shiri: Thank I guess we should go now and yes try to spend time with Mia.

Darshan: yeah!


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