How You Two Meet

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When you arrived at The Glade, nobody was friendly to you. You were the second girl there and you felt so out of place. Teresa was busy flirting with all the boys and everyone else just seemed too busy to pay attention to you. When it was time for lunch, you sat at the farthest table. You were staring off into the distance, wondering what life was like before this. You suddenly felt someone brush against your shoulder, sitting next you you. You didn't even bother to look.
"Oh sorry."
Someone said with a sweet, gorgeous accent. You looked towards him. He had messy blonde hair that swept above his deep brown eyes. You gave him a slight smile and stood up.
"Hey where are you going?"
The blonde kid asked, following you like a cat following a laser.
"Somewhere else."
You mumbled.
He ran ahead and stopped in your tracks, and placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, what's wrong? Did I do something that hurt you?"
He asked sympathetically.
You wiped away the tear that started to fall.
"I don't belong here." You said sniffling, "Nobody wants me here either. I'm invisible and there is no point in being here." you stated.
He wrapped his arms around you. Squeezing you into a tight hug.
"Hey now, don't say that. I apologize for not talking to ya. I-I planned on it, cross my heart." He said now looking into your beautiful E/C eyes. "Alby's been buggin me to do everything. That's no excuse though. I'm Newt. You can hang around me and I'll introduce you to everyone else. Don't cry." He said wiping your tears. "You aren't invisible to me." You smiled and hugged him tighter. "I'm Y/N." You said, reaching a hand out.

Boys circled around you, commenting on your hair, eyes, clothes, everything about you. The overwhelming sound of everyone talking over each other rang through your mind. You took off running, as far as you could, then came to a stop. You were surrounded by 4 enormous stone walls. You looked around puzzled. Overwhelmed by everything. Your hands moved toward your ears, blocking out all of the sound. You couldn't take it all. You slowly crouched toward the ground, covering your face. "Wicked is good."
Repeated through your mind over and over again. You blacked out. Next thing you knew, you were in some small enclosed room.
"Where am I?!"
You screamed, even more frightened than before.
"Hey, hey. It's ok!"
A boy with brown eyes and messy hair rushed over to your side. You got up from the bed, trying to find a way out.
"It's ok," the boy kept repeating,
"It's ok, calm down."
"W-where am I? How do I get out of here? Why am I here? What is this place?" Questions flew out of your mouth while confusion flooded your mind.
"Calm down." The boy once again repeated. "Welcome to The Glade, I'm Thomas. Do you remember your name?"
"What's The Glade?" you asked, still overwhelmed. "I-I think it's Y/N. Does that sound right? Is that a name?" Thomas laughed. He thought you were adorable. He watched as your big E/C eyes moved around ever so quickly.
"Why are you staring at me?" You asked.
"Because you're beautiful." He said, pulling you into a hug. "I'll explain everything later. Just get rested up. He gestured to the bed. "It's gonna be alright." He said.
(Sorry about the last part, I just had to. Did anyone catch my reference?!😂)

You begged Alby to let you become a runner. You knew you had what it took. Something was just calling you to the maze, you had had dreams about it almost every night. When Alby finally agreed, you ran to the walls as soon as they opened. Waiting for the other runners, you stood there excitedly. Minho ran up to the walls alone. You and him stared into each others eyes for a good five minutes. You had never seen anyone so beautiful before. Suddenly, he spoke up.
"What are you doing here Greenie?"
"U-um what? Alby didn't tel-" he cut you off. "Of course he told me." Minho said sternly, then bursted out laughing. You looked at him puzzled, you weren't sure if he was being serious or not. "U-um." You stuttered. "You're so cute!" Minho said, booping your nose. You were still confused, Minho now had a straight face. "I'm just messin' with ya Greenie! What's your name?" He asked, smiling wide. "It's Y/N," you said slowly, blushing. "Nice to meet ya, I'm Minho. Happy to have one of the Greenies as a runner!" He said patting you on the back. "It's just us today, let's get goin!" Minho said, grabbing your hand and running into the maze.
(Wow this is so bad..I apologize)

You were sitting alone at a table slurping on some soup Frypan threw together; while staring at Gally. You had been a Greenie for about two days now and you had the biggest crush on him. He was sitting a couple tables in front of you. You thought about how he was the first one to jump into the box and say, "Day One Greenie, rise and shine." and you wondered if he had done the same for anyone else. Suddenly, Chuck screamed your name, interrupting your thoughts and sat next you you. Startled, you jumped, dumping the soup all over you. You looked around, hoping Gally didn't notice. Your heart pounded out of your chest when you noticed Gally was staring right at you, along with everyone else. A wave of heated redness washed over your face, you were blushing. All the Gladers started laughing, and some of them even called out rude remarks, like "Slob!" and, "Klutz!" but you didn't bother to look back up. You fled the scene, miserable and embarrassed. After you left, you heard someone yelling. They were defending you, but you didn't bother to look back. Crouched down by a tree, with your eyes filling your palms with tears, you sobbed. You then felt a light tap on your shoulder. "Go away.." You mumbled. "H-hey..Greenie. I uh," the boy paused. "I apologize for what happened back there." You knew you had heard that voice before, you looked up anxiously; it was Gally. You smiled slightly. "Just so you know," Gally started, standing up straighter, "I stood up for you back there. I told em to quit laughing. Trust me, and whoever speaks of it gets thrown into the pit. Don't worry Greenie, I got your back." You stood up, eyes still teary and blurry. "Thank you so much," you cried. "Don't mention it. Now do me a favor and quit your cryin. You're way too pretty for that." Gally said, winking at you. "I'm Gally. You're Y/N, right?" You nodded excitedly. He actually knew your name!
((Okay I'm extremely sorry about the Gally imagine. I had writers block for some reason and it came out horrible, so I apologize. I hope the others are better.😘 thank you all for reading my klunk and don't forget you can leave requests!😉))

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