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I literally cannot believe this book has 50k reads. That's INSANE!!!!! Thank you guys so much, really I can't thank you all enough. I remember when I first started this book I thought it was terrible and nobody liked it haha, I was actually thinking about deleting it.

That just comes to show you how unexpected life is. Guys, please never give up. If you're passionate about something, pursue it, if you don't like how your friend is treating you, tell them, if someone is treating you horrible, drop them.

You deserve to be happy and you deserve to be able to make yourself happy. You do you okay? And if anyone tries to bring you down, don't let them. Stand above them and don't let it get to you, because there are so many people out there that will treat you so much better.

Love, you are so strong. I just want to remind you all to never ever give up, especially on life. I know life is hard at times, and I know that this is the most clichè saying, but guys it's so true; it gets better. I promise you all it gets so much better. I remember when I used to cry myself to sleep and I thought I would never see light in my pitch black tunnel, but I saw it, and I found it through Jesus.💜

Anyway, I don't know if you guys believe in Him or not, but He is truly amazing and He saved my life, honestly, I think I would've committed suicide if it weren't for Him.

You all are so beautiful inside and out. Please, please, please don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You were put on this earth for an amazing reason, that's why you're reading this right now. You are nothing close to worthless, in fact, you are worth more than the most valuable item on this earth.

You are irreplaceable and this world would never be the same without you. I really hope you all are so happy someday, because I know that you'll make it out alive. (Stitches reference, did you get that? Aha.)

I just wish I could help you guys notice how much worth you all have. I'm always here for you guys, and I hope the best for all of you. (No, I am not leaving although it sounds like it haha)

I'm so happy to have each and every one of you as one of my readers. I truly love you all & I'm always here for you guys. I love you all so much. ❤️

Thank you guys for every thing. For every turn of the page, for every vote, for every comment. Thank you. I may not answer all your comments, but I do read them all. You guys make me so happy.

I may update today, don't forget that you shine brighter than the stars on the darkest night, and if you're looking for a sign not to kill yourself, this is it. 💜

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