How he hugs you

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I totally forgot this was requested by castiel538 I'm so sorry I'm getting this done now.
"Hey Newtie." I greeted him after I woke up. He was already working in the gardens. He immediately stopped working and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me tightly into his chest. He rested his head on mine and I brought arms rest on his shoulders, resting my head on his steady heartbeat. Hearing it always brings a smile to my face. "You're bloody smile could cure any disease."

"It's going to be alright babe." Thomas speaks softly as he brushes stray hairs behind my ears. "We'll make it out safely. C'mere." Thomas wraps his arms around the small of my back and my arms travel to his shoulders, then his hair, toying the loose strands in the back. "I know, I'm just afraid of..ya know." "I'll be alright baby."

"Good morning shuckface." Minho teases as he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling my back into his chest, he kisses my cheek. "So what are you making for breakfast babe?"

"You're back!" Gally yells as I come running out from the maze. He lifts me into his arms and I hold onto him like a child clinging to their mother. My legs wrap around his waist and his arms support my back.
"I missed you Sailor." He mumbles as he places a kiss on my lips.
Guys I'm making a new cover for this book bc my cover is ugly AS.
(as shuck) hope you all liked this! Thanks for all the votes!❤️

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