When you're bored

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When you're bored, you and Newt climb the watch tower and watch the clouds. You both point out what you think they look look like and talk about anything and everything.😋

Thomas is a stinker when it comes to dancing, so when you're bored he'll take you to the deadheads, hum a tune and dance with you. What a hopeless romantic.😜

When you're bored, Minho will take you to the lake where you guys skip stones, swim, and argue about who loves who more.

When you're bored, Gally takes you to the deadheads to build an awesome treehouse, you've already built about six!😱

When you're bored, Chuck will gather everyone for a game of tag!

I apologize for not updating in years 😅 I've been so busy with my other books haha, please leave ideas because I'm running out!! Love you guys stay strong❤️

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