Their plans after the Glade

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Newt plans on raising a family with you. He seriously cannot wait to get out of the glade so he can pop the question and start a family. He would love to see mini versions of you and him running around.

Thomas wants to go anywhere and everywhere with you. He just wants to be spontaneous and travel around the world with you, experiencing new cultures and beautiful new sights, but of course, his eyes will always remain on you.

Minho can't wait to go places with you. He wants you to take you to fancy restaurants and see you try in clothes at the mall. He wants to spoil you in everything he does.

Gally cannot wait to leave the glade, build a house, and decorate with you. He always thinks of cuddling with you in the comfort of a beautiful home with a few dogs, he seriously cannot wait.

Ahhh heeey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever but always remember that you're beautiful and amazing and loved and you deserve the best don't let people tell you otherwise nobody can take that away from you have an amazinggg dayyy smile!!!! ♡♡♡

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