How you Annoy Them

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You purposely annoy Newt by asking him A LOT of questions, or even being more clingy than he is. Considering he's second in command, he gets super busy and stressed, but you continue to bother him because it's cute when he's mad.

Thomas gets annoyed when you want to sit around all day and do nothing. Since Thomas is a busy body, he likes to always be doing of showing you something, so when you just want to relax and chill out, he gets annoyed.

Since you and Minho are considered the sass king and queen, you annoy him by being extra sassy and roasting him. Since he's the sass king he always wants to be on the top, and hates when you steal the spotlight.

Gally gets annoyed when you boss him around. He hates to be bossed around by anyone, so when you do it, purposely or not, he gets annoyed; which is actually really funny.
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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