Amazing Chase: Hehe...
Amazing Skye: Very bad entry...
Amazing Chase: Sammuchr asks when did we two lovebirds first met.
Amazing Skye: 6 years ago. Paris. 09:00 A.M. at school. We were 8 years old. I was new in the school, then we talked, and we became friends. He was wearing a white Tee shirt with a blue jeans...
Amazing Chase: Wait! Do you remember that?
Amazing Skye: Of course yes. I guess you remember my clothes too.
Amazing Chase: Hum...Yes...yes...You were wearing No, a green?..tee shirt.
Amazing Skye: TheVette09 asks what do we think about the ship "Vette x Maria"
Amazing Chase: It's a great ship! Veria Forever!
Amazing Skye: Or Matte!
Amazing Chase: Veria is better.
Amazing Skye: And your real name + my real name = Amissa.
Amazing Chase: Hehe yes...(why I am suddently blushing)....
Amazing Skye: If you want to know our real name, ask us in private.
Amazing Chase: silklold asks if I am scared of Amazing Skye.
Amazing Skye: I'm sure you are not. I'm so kind to you. Right baby?
Amazing Chase: Why this nickname? And no, I'm not afraid of you. (I'm soooo scared of you)...
Amazing Skye: MagentaGreenLover asks who is our cartoon crush.
I don't have one.Amazing Chase: When I was little, I watched Pokémon, and there was a girl, Skyla, which I had a crush...
Amazing Skye: Wait what!?Amazing Chase: But it was before we met....Hehe...
Amazing Chase: ItsNovellea asks if we know bias. And I'm asking to you, what is bias.
Amazing Skye: ShiningSkase02 asks to Amazing Chase. How's your feeling when you kiss your gf.