#20: Charlie Damelio or Addison Rae

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Angelina: Heyyyy!!!

Maria: Heyyyy!!!

Angelina: Welcome...

Maria: ...back!


Angelina: Sammuchr asks if our crush is dating someone, will we try to win his heart, or will we give up.

Maria: I don't have a crush. So, I'll say I will give up, and search for someone else.

Angelina: I will Never and Never give up! I will win his heart, and it's possible.


Maria: ItsNovellea asks if we ever eaten readen.

Angelina: I did. It was with Amazing_Chase_15 in a Indonesian restaurant.

Maria: And how it was?

Angelina: Tasty! You should try it.


Angelina: 0Too7Much1Books8 asks if Amazing Chase has a crush on me. I hope he has.

Maria: Maybe.


Maria: noiquit asks which one is better: Chicken wing or Óma savage.

Angelina: Chicken wing I guess.


Angelina: noiquit asks who is better. Charlie Damelio or Addison Rae?

Maria: Addison Rae is more preety...but for the dance, it's Charlie the best.

Angelina: For me it's Addison Rae.


Maria: Next questions for....

Angelina: Amazing Chase and Maria! Thanks to all the persons who ask questions.

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