#22: Tennis

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Amazing Skye: Please follow Amenlia13


Maria: ArnoldObial123 asks to AC15, what is it like to be annoyed by the girls who have a crush on him.

Amazing Skye: Ask to him.


Amazing Skye: 0Too7Much1Books8 asks what will we do in World War 3 or another pandemic, and which one will we choose.

Maria: Another pandemic like Covid is better than World War 3. But they're both not good.

Amazing Skye: I agree.


Maria: silklold asks to me, if we ever met, will we do a 1v1 tennis match.
Sure! Be ready to lose this match.

Amazing Skye: You're evil. Good Luck silklold to defeat her.


Amazing Skye: silklold asks Maria, if she plays other racket game.

Maria: Yes. I play Badminton and table tennis. But AC15 win sometimes when we play tennis table or Badminton. So, I prefer Tennis.


Maria: silklold asks to me if any of the Amazing Writers defeated me.

Amazing Skye: I did one time!

Maria: But it was 1 year ago. And AC15 defeated me two times some months ago. But now, no one has defeated me.


Amazing Skye: silklold asks to me, which food I like.

Maria: Mcdo like me.

Amazing Skye: Hell no. I like the food that Amazing Chase give to me to eat.

Maria: How sweet.

Amazing Skye: Okay, I like Mcdo too. But I'm not eating that everytime like you.


Maria: Next for Amazing Skye and Angelina.

Amazing Skye: -_-

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