#31: Time Machine

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Amazing Skye: -_-

Angelina: -_-


Angelina: ItsNovellea asks to Amazing Skye, what would be your reaction if Amazing Chase loved me more than you....which is absolutely true.

Amazing Skye: It's impossible it happens.

Angelina: It's happening right now.

Amazing Skye: My reaction would be with a red angry face.


Amazing Skye: silklold asks if we do stuff like cartwheels.
Yes, me and Maria do.
And Angelina don't do, because she....

Angelina: Hey! Stop!


Angelina: alwaysskase asks to AS15 if Skye is your favorite pup.

Amazing Skye: Yes, you guessed right.

Angelina: By the way, between us, it's me the best Skye. Right everybody?


Amazing Skye: PawPatrolOnly asks if we have an opportunity to go in a time machine, where would we go.

Angelina: In the past. To change 2 persons lives.

Amazing Skye: Oh...you can have the proof by seeing in the future.

Angelina: He doesn't loves you.

Amazing Skye: Blah blah blah blah....I would go in the future.


Angelina: silklold asks would we sacrifice love for friendship or friendship for love.

Amazing Skye: With the person I love.

Angelina: It depends. But I think Friendship for love.


Angelina: Next for me and Amazing Chase.

Amazing Skye: -_-

Angelina: -_-

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