#51: First Movie

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Maria: Heyy!

Amazing Skye: Hello!

Maria: ChaseTheRacer asks Amazing_Skye what's your goal.

Amazing Skye: Which goal? In my life? My goal is to be a doctor. If it's not that, I don't know which goal you are talking about.


Amazing Skye: ItsNovellea asks Maria how come you are not that complicated as they are.

Maria: Me? It's because I'm not in their love triangle.


Maria: Shine6822 asks Amazing_Skye, what was the first ever movie you watched with Amazing_Chase.

Amazing Skye: It was very before then, like more than 1 year. We were watching Men in Black: International.

Maria: Wait....so 1 year ago, you were not boyfriend/girlfriend, right?

Amazing Skye: Yes...

Maria: And you two, you were gone to watch this movie? Only you two?

Amazing Skye: Yes...

Maria: Then, you were dating.

Amazing Skye: It's not because we watched a movie together that we're dating.

Maria: Who was the person who asked first?

Amazing Skye: It was Amazing_Chase. But we had this idea since a long time.

Maria: And during the movie, you didn't kiss him?

Amazing Skye: Look, we were NOT dating. We were just friends who watched a movie.

Maria: So you were dating.

Amazing Skye: Oh my...


Amazing Skye: Shine6822 asks Maria, how many times a week do you buy a Mc'do?

Maria: 2.

Amazing Skye: And who give you the money?

Maria: It's free when we buy 4 times a week. So, I did. And for one month, it's free for me. But not the chips and Ice cream.

Amazing Skye: In winter? Ice cream? When it snows?

Maria: Look, Mc'do is Mc'do.


Next are for Amazing_Chase and Maria.

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