#27: Harry Potter

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Amazing Chase: Hey Welcome again in this stupid Q/A where there's Amazing stupidity.

Angelina: Heya!


Amazing Chase: noiquit asks do we like noiquit.

Angelina: Of course we do!

Amazing Chase: We do because you are the only who ask questions between the 36 others readers.

Angelina: But it doesn't mean we don't like others. We love you all!

Amazing Chase: Ya ya not all.

Angelina: Wait...do you hate someone?

Amazing Chase: No. I hate nobody. I just received some messages telling me that I have to break up with my girlfriend for you.

Angelina: How cute...I mean it's not good!


Angelina: noiquit asks who is our favorite Harry Potter character. I don't watch it.

Amazing Chase: It's the main character of Harry Potter. That's all I can say.


Amazing Chase: ChaseTheRacer asks if we were a car, what type of car would we be.

Angelina: I don't know why, but when you said Chasetheracer, I was preety sure it was a question about cars.

Amazing Chase: A huge fan of cars this one. Check his stories on his old account (TheVette09), they are great.

Angelina: If I was a car, I would be...A Ferrari.

Amazing Chase: I would be an Aston Martin. I love the Finn Mcmissile design.

Angelina: And Maria would be a Yellow Corvette.


Angelina: EllaGoldenRetriever asks if we all live together.

Amazing Chase: No, but we live very close, in the same city. Amazing Skye lives in the same street as mine, and Angelina and Maria live 100 meter away than me.

Angelina: And sometimes, we go on trips and we spend our holidays in others city in a hostel, as tourists.

Amazing Chase: Before The Covid.


Angelina: Next questions for Amazing_Skye and Amazing_Chase

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