#36: Soccer

79 10 20

Amazing Skye: So?

Amazing Chase: Yes, I am sorry! It will not happen again.


Amazing Skye: alwaysskase asks to me, how do I feel about the heptagon crushing on Amazing Chase.
I feel sad, and mad, and angry.

Amazing Chase: Same.

Amazing Skye: Hmm....


Amazing Chase: alwaysskase asks if I like soccer.

Amazing Skye: Yes! I like soccer.

Amazing Chase: Me too. Before the Covid, I was playing for the Paris young teenagers team.


Amazing Skye: noiquit (and Elise) asks would we be rather stuck in a romance drama or or anime.

Amazing Chase: Anime.

Amazing Skye: Same.


Amazing Chase: ArnoldObial123 asks if we ever use Grammarly.

Amazing Skye: No, we didn't.


Amazing Skye: silklold said to solve 392 + 5042.

Amazing Chase: 5434


Amazing Chase: _-Eira_Wilton-_ asks what's one thing we would never give to each other and why.

Amazing Skye: My boyfriend. But Angelina already steal him.

Amazing Chase: She's didn't. You're the only I love.

Amazing Skye: Hmph....I'm not sure.

Amazing Chase: I'm sharing everything to everyone, so I don't know. Maybe my phone, because...

Amazing Skye: Of course! You are hiding the messages between you and Angelina!

Amazing Chase: No!

Amazing Skye: Back to the question, I would never give my parents to someone, I mean when they will be old, I will keep them with me, and it's because my parents are the true love of this world.


Amazing Skye: general skywalker from Discord asks how did we meet each other.

Amazing Chase: It was at school, 6 years ago, we were in the same class.


Amazing Skye: Next for Amazing Chase and Angelina -_-

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