#19: Dating someone else...

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Amazing Chase: Hey! Ckeck out MagentaGreenLover 's account on Wattpad. Follow her if you didn't. And she has also a YouTube Channel. Subscribe to her channel.
Check it after reading this chapter.

Angelina: Wow. You make adds for others now?

Amazing Chase: Yep.

Angelina: Can you make an add for me?

Amazing Chase: Which one?

Angelina: No. I thought that....Never mind...Just...Forget it.


Amazing Chase: noiquit asks to Angel. Will you get over the fact that I'm dating someone else.

Angelina: Well...I have waited many years to date you. And when I thought that our day will finally come, I was so happy. Until, I saw you with my best friend, and I found it that you and my best friend were dating. You can't understand how I felt. You were also crushing on me before. But that was before. We even shared a ki...

Amazing Chase: Ok it's enough. You make me cry. And I think people don't have to know others things about us.

Angelina: If you love her, why did you huged me yesterday?

Amazing Chase: Hum...It's....Hum....Next question!!


Angelina: @Judy_Nick_Haley_ZPD  asks are our plans in 2021. I already said it. To win Amazing_Chase_15's heart. To bring him back.

Amazing Chase: My plans? To not be the clown in class anymore. Because I'm always punish by the teacher. And to spend more times with Angelina....I mean all of my friends. And to be a less smarter, because I don't want to be called a nerd again.


Angelina: Next questions for...

Amazing Chase: Angelina and Maria.

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