#49: Marvel Movies

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Amazing Skye: Today is a special day. Angelina left. I mean, she made another account but she's still here.
Her account: Amazing_Angelina
She will still using this account.

Amazing Chase: Yes...

Amazing Skye: What's happened?

Amazing Chase: Nothing...


Amazing Chase: ChaseTheRacer asks me about my favorite Marvel Movie. All the Iron Man.

Amazing Skye: Not some good choices.

Amazing Chase: What about you then?

Amazing Skye: I'll say Black Panther.


Amazing Skye: ChaseTheRacer asks me how is my day.

Amazing Chase: Lol!

Amazing Skye: I guess people have only simple questions for me.
My day is going good like always, with this coconut.

Amazing Chase: Me? A coconut!?

Amazing Skye: C'mon! It's cuuute!


Amazing Chase: Amiable_Writer asks us what are our favorite things to drink.

Amazing Skye: Cola.

Amazing Chase: Water.

Amazing Skye: Remember the weird challenge we did yesterday?

Amazing Chase: Don't talk about it! Not here!


Amazing Skye: Lightning_Bolt_39 asks don't we think it would just be easier to have 4 seperate accounts, one for each of us.

Amazing Chase: Ok then! There will not be this Q/A then. There will not be all the new stories then. There will not be this account then! There will not be me then

Amazing Skye: Calm down, calm down...He just asked you a question. At 4, it's better than alone in an account, so that's why. Sorry, Amazing Chase is kinda nervous today.

Amazing Chase: I am not!

Amazing Skye: You love Angelina?

Amazing Chase: No!

Amazing Skye: Remember, as friends before, we decided to tell every secret we have. So if you keep something...

Amazing Chase: I don't Love Her!

Amazing Skye: Fine.


Amazing Chase: flame_wolfaplha asks me what can he do to make his books better. I'll check them, and I'll tell you all of this in private message. Sorry, if I'm mean today, I'm not doing really great.

Amazing Skye: How mean you are.

Amazing Chase: I'm tired.


Amazing Skye: Shine6822 asks if Amazing_Chase and me become a thing, and have a kid, and this kid is a girl, is Amissa a good name for her.

Amazing Chase: I'm tired.

Amazing Skye: Amissa is a beautiful name for a girl. If I will have a girl, with or without Amazing_Chase, her name will be Amissa.

Amazing_Chase: I'm even more tired.


Amazing Chase: noiquit asks would we rather live a horrible life or Ragdoll the rest of our life.

Amazing Skye: With a ragdoll.

Amazing Chase: A life where I can sleep.


Next for Amazing Skye and Maria!

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