Amazing Chase: There's a LIMIT. I know that this book if for fun, and there's no rules, but there's a limit.
Angelina: Yup!
Amazing Chase: I know that most of you loves Angelina, and you will do everything to make her happy. But giving a dare to her to kiss me for minutes, sorry but no. We are not characters show, we're humans. If you have a dare to kiss someone you don't want to, will you do it?
Angelina: I totally agree with you. But a dare is a dare, so we have to do it.
Amazing Chase: And all of you know that I already love someone, so why these dares? Give a simple and funny dare, someone dared Amazing Skye to buy chocolates to Angelina and Maria. This one is good for example.
Angelina: Okay okay, will we do it?
Amazing Chase: Your kiss? I already said no. There's a limit in everything.
Angelina: ChaseTheRacer asks if I was a fruit, what would I be?
A banana.---------------------
Amazing Chase: BadWolfChase101_3 asks what is our favorite movie and TV show.
Angelina: The Longest Ride...and why not Paw Patrol?
Amazing Chase: Favorites movies..I have a lots...But in Holywood, it's Fast and Furious 7.
Amazing Chase: And favorite show, NCIS L.A. or Alarm Für Cobra.
Angelina: alwaysskase asks to Amazing Chase if everything I said was true.
Amazing Chase: No
Angelina: Of course...
Amazing Chase: noiquit (Georgia) dare me to stare at Angelina for 10 minutes.
Angelina: ...
Amazing Chase: ....I will lost 10 minutes of my life doing nothing...AnYwAy!
Angelina: Suha142009 asks when are our birthdays.
Amazing Chase: Amazing Skye's is the 20th of March. Mine is the 25th of April.
Angelina: And mine was the 22th of January, (I'm already 15 btw), and Maria's is the 5th of May.
Amazing Chase: Next are for me and Maria