#24: The Love song

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Amazing Chase: Hi!

Amazing Skye: I never heard you saying hi.

Amazing Chase: OKAY! I love you! You're the most cute and beautiful! And now?

Amazing Skye: Yeah.


Amazing Chase: ItsNovellea asks about our favorite food.

Amazing Skye: Mc'do.

Amazing Chase: I don't have favorite foods. It's very hard for me to choose a favorite animal, so a favorite food....

Amazing Skye: Just say something.

Amazing Chase: Okay. Everything same as you.

Amazing Skye: Awww


Amazing Skye: 0Too7Much1Books8 dare Amazing Chase to sing a love song to me.

Amazing Chase: I don't know how to sing.

Amazing Skye: It's ok.

Amazing Chase: Is it ok if I sing "What does the fox say"?

Amazing Skye: Where do you see love there?

Amazing Chase: The singer who is giving love to the fox.

Amazing Skye: No. Another one.

Amazing Chase with a horrible voice:

Amazing Skye: It was scary...but It's fine....I think.


Amazing Chase: noiquit asks to me if I like TikTok. Yes, I like.
And noiquit asks to Amazing_Skye if she wants a nickname like mine.

Amazing Skye: Yeah why not.


Amazing Chase: Next questions for Amazing Skye and Maria.

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