Amazing Chase: I'm just updating this book before going.
Angelina: I will miss you...
Amazing Chase: Me too...I mean! Let's see the questions!
Angelina: ItsNovellea asks if we will getting married and we will have a baby...w-which name we will give him...?
Amazing Chase: If it's a boy, Aaron, or Aamir, but I'll say Aamir.
Angelina: And if it's a girl, Sanaa.
Amazing Chase: Nice name.
Amazing Chase: 0Too7Much1Books8 asks himself that he has a feeling this is going to end up as a full out love war.
Angelina: Huh...Maybe...
Amazing Chase: I agree.
Angelina: Amiable_Writer asks if we like summertime. Eww! No! I don't like it.
Amazing Chase: I like summertime.
Angelina: I mean I love summertime...Yep..
Amazing Chase: Amiable_Writer asks what do we like doing on free time when there's no school.
Angelina: Dancing.
Amazing Chase: Wattpad, or hardworking (doing exercices), or listening to music.
Angelina: EllaGoldenRetriever asks why I always take pics of me.
It's because I want to be a model, and then, an actress.Amazing Chase: Holywood?
Angelina: Yes.
Amazing Chase: Good.
Amazing Chase: EllaGoldenRetriever asks why I am so mean to Angelina?
Angelina: You were?
Amazing Chase: I don't think so...Maybe...I'm sorry Angelina if I was.
Angelina: I'm sorry too....
Amazing Chase: Why there's no fights in this chapter?
Angelina: Maybe because you're leaving.
Angelina: EllaGoldenRetriever asks Amazing Chase if he will fuck me and his girlfriend in bed...Uh...
Amazing Chase: I can't answer that...Sorry...
Angelina: You said you will answer anything...
Amazing Chase: Is this book mature? Ok, If I'm forced to do it, I'll do it. If I have the choice, I'll run.
Amazing Chase: ShiningSkase02 asks if I broke up one day with my girlfriend, can I be Angelina's boyfriend.
Angelina: So?
Amazing Chase: If I broke up, sure!
Angelina: What!? I LO
Amazing Chase: But I don't think it will happen.
Angelina: silklold asks if we like animes? Not me.
Amazing Chase: Yes! I love any anime!
Amazing Chase: silklold asks if we watched all the Fast & Furious movies.
Angelina: Only Fast & Furious 7
Amazing Chase: I watched all of them! And I love them!
Btw, R.I.P. Paul Walker.
Amazing Chase: Ok it was the most boring chapter! I know!
Angelina: I will miss you...
Amazing Chase: Now that I'm leaving...
Angelina: ...a lot!
Amazing Chase: Ask questions for Maria and Angelina.
Not me.
Ok bye everybody!