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"Shit" and then hear commotion inside the room.


You hear a crash and try to open the door but it's locked.

"Dad, you okay?" You call out.

"Yeah, sweetie! Just fine! Meet me downstairs okay?!" Your dad says

"Okay..." you say softly, heading downstairs.
"Weird" you say softly to yourself
"But not at weird as this" you say looking at Thor and Loki wrestling from the T.V. Remote. Thor had Loki in a choke-hold when they finally see you

"Ohh, good morning young Stark" Thor says and Loki smiles at you, his face turning red because of Thor's grip.

"Good morning" you smile back, letting them return to their wrestling.
"Dad! Come on! I'm going to leave without you!" You call out as your dad comes running down the stairs.

"I'm coming!" He calls out walking to you.

"Bye everyone" you wave and everyone yells goodbye to you. You get in the car and see Happy,
"Good morning happy" you greet

"Good morning y/n" he smiles at you as he starts to drive.

"Now remember, don't use your-" your dad starts but you cut him off.

"My real last name, I know" you roll your eyes but smile. Once you finally get to school you say bye to happy and your dad.

"Have a good day sweetheart!" Your dad calls out to you as you get out. You smile at him as they drive away, letting out a shaky breath as you turn around to face the school. You take another breath and walk in, getting your class schedule and locker number. You finally find your locker and try for 5 minutes to get the combination to work. You've never used a locker before so you didn't know how to open it. You start to give up when you feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn around, startled. You see a cute boy with brown curly hair and the gorgeous chocolate eyes you've ever seen.

"Hey! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he says, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"It's okay, I get startled easy" you laugh

"I just saw you having trouble and wondered if you needed help" he smiles.

"Oh, um yeah! That'd be great, thank you" you smile, moving out of the way and telling him your pin. He shows you how to unlock it and you put your books inside.
"Thank you so much, you're a life saver" you smile and he blushed.

"It's no problem, plus your lockers right next to mine. Hey can I see your class schedule?" He ask and you nod, taking it out for him to see. He takes it from your hands and looks it over.
"Wow we have almost all of our classes together" he says, smiling

"Really? Great, at least I'll know someone" you joke and he laughs

"Yeah, I'll walk with you to our first class if you'd like" he offered, shyly.

"That'd be great, thank you" you say smiling.

"Of course" he says, walking to your guys first period. You walk in and it was science with mr. Harrington.
"You can sit with us if you'd like" he offered, pointing to his friends, you nod and smile. Once you guys get to the seat they both look at you.
"Ned,MJ, this is..." he pauses realizing he never got your name.

"Y/n" you say and they smile.

"I'm peter by the way" he smiles and takes a seat nodding at you to take the seat next to him.

"Hi y/n" Ned smiles

"Hi ned" you smile back and look at MJ, who's reading a book.
"Hi, you're reading divergent? Oh my gosh i love that book, the movies didn't do it justice" you say say. She looks up from her book and to Peter,

"I like her, let's keep her" she says making you all laugh. The bell rings signifying class is starting so you stop talking and pay attention. About halfway through class when mr. Harrington finally stops talking you look at the rest of the class that's already working. You look at your worksheet and only understand half of it. You look at Peter and get his attention,

"Hey Peter, could you help me with this? I only understand half of it" you ask and he smiles, scooting his chair closer to help you. After classes you guys have lunch, you walk in nervous until you see your new friends waving at you. You get next to them and smile,
"Hey guys" you greet, sitting down.

"Hey y/n" they greet back, continuing their conversation. The boys seem lost in a debate while MJ is reading. You zone out, eating until you hear your name

"Right y/n" Ned ask, scoffing at something Peter said.

"If I'm going to be completely honest I wasn't paying attention" you say and MJ laughs, making eye contact with you causing you both to laugh more. Ned starts explaining the debate him and Peter were having to get your opinion. After you get all the information you say,
"Actual Ned, I got to agree with Peter" you say, causing Peter to blush

"Really?! I uh- mean yeah, duh" Peter says, smiling a goofy smile at you.

"What! No way!" Ned disagrees.

"I mean the movies are obviously good but peters right, the comics were way better" you say, talking about Star Wars.

"You've read the Star Wars comic books?" Ned and Peter ask in sinc.

"Who hasn't?" You ask, laughing and Ned looks at Peter surprised.

"Have you seen all the movies?" Ned ask

"I haven't seen the new one" both Peter and Ned drop their jaws.

"You haven't seen the latest movie?!" Peter says, not believing it.

"No, I haven't had time" you say, laughing.

"We were going to watch it at peters apartment, if you wanted to join" Ned says. Peter gets nervous and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly saying,

"Y-yeah sure, you should come" you smile about to agree but think of your dad.

"I'll have to ask my dad, he's kind of strict" you say, nervously playing with your bracelets.

"Okay cool, sounds great" Peter smiles and lunch ends. You have gym last with your new friends as well. It was weird, you either had Peter in your class or he was in the classroom right next to yours. The gym teacher shows a video of captain America and you have to try not to laugh by how awkward he was.
'I'm so going to make fun of him when I get home' you think to yourself. After you guys see the video, the class starts doing sit-ups. That is until a guy comes up to you, Peter sits up, watching you both carefully.


Hey guys I promise it picks up : )

If ur from my Draco book sorry I haven't been uploading : (

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