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"Come with me and I'll show you!" You smile and he nods, helping you up. You both stand up and head to your room. You could tell Peter was getting nervous as he figures out where you guys are headed to.


"Um.. y/n?" Peter ask, you could feel his hand getting sweaty.

"Yes?" You ask, almost to your room.

"I don't think we're- I'm ready for-" Peter starts but stops short when you open the door.
"No way!" Peter says now calm

"You like it?" You ask, nervously.

"I love it!" Peter says, walking into the room. You watch as he looks at the unopened box.
"How many pieces?" Peter ask as he examines the lego box in front of him.

"Almost 8,000" you say proudly.

"Dude no way!" Peter gasp, still gawking at the box.
Dude, way!" You smile smile and Peters puts his hands around your waist, spinning you in the air as he hugs you.

"This did the best surprise ever, thank you" Peter smiles down at you.

"Well I figured we could do it together while we're trapped here" you explain, wrapping your hands around his next.

"Well let's start building" Peter says but stops when he sees you pout your lip.
"What?" Peter ask, confused. You don't say anything but put in a fake mad face, waiting. Peter looks you up and down, obviously confused. You help him out by tapping your finger to your lips.

"Oohhh" Peter says, starting to blush. He brings his head down to yours and connects your lips together. It was like everything you kissed, it was like the first time.

"Thanks" You smile, now perfectly happy.

"You're very welcome" Peter smiles, giving you another quick peck on the lips. You both walk inside your room and get started on the Lego star wars village. You both hadn't realized how long you'd been working on the Lego piece until the sun started to rise again.

"Holy shit, it's morning" You say, looking at the slowly shining sky.

"What do you mean?" Peter ask, yawning. His back was turned away from the window so he couldn't see the sun peeking through the tall trees.

"Look" You say, laughing and point to the window. Peter rotates his body to look at the sunrise.

"Oh, that's why I'm so tired" Peter laughs and you look at his tired eyes.

"We should get some sleep" You say, through a yawn and he nods, agreeing. He stand up and holds his hand out for you to take. You put your hand in his and he helps you up.

"Jarvis, will you close the windows please?" Peter ask tiredly as he climbs into your bed. You smile as you cuddle up next to him. You both drift off to sleep quite easy as it was around 6:00 a.m. You had both spent hours building the Lego village and it still wasn't fully finished.

You guys both slept the whole day and didn't wake up until the next morning. You wake up with your body feeling stiff and rested. You stretch out your arms and legs as best you can with Peter wrapped around you. You struggle, trying to move like always except this time you hear a laugh. You look up and see Peter awake as he watches you.

"Hey" You smile as you wrap your arms around him again.

"You do that every morning?" Peter ask, laughing.

"Try to move against your super strength that can hold up a car?" You tease

"Oh, you love it" Peter teases back and you smile up at him.

Tony's daughter (spider-man x reader)Where stories live. Discover now