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"You guys are dorks" You say, smiling, sitting to help build.


Around 2 a.m. you guys finally finish building it and are so tired. Peter turns on something on the t.v. but you fall asleep before you can see what it is. You feel Peter pick you up and bring you to his bed, setting you down on the lower bunk bed. Ned climbs on the top bunk and Peter sees your eyes starting to open

"Can you?" You half ask but he knows what you're talking about

"Sure" He says and crawls in the bed, cuddling up next to you.

"Thank you" You whisper.

"You're welcome" Peter whispers.

"Good night Peter" You say softly, drifting back to sleep.

"Good night y/n" Peter says, kissing your cheek.

*the next morning*

You wake up to smoke, and shoot up and Peter looks at you.

"It's okay, it's just may, she's not a good cook" Peter explains and you nod, laying back down. Within the next minute May knocks and walks in

"Hey guys how about we go out for brunch?" She ask and you smile.

"That sounds great May, thank you" Peter answers for all of you

"Okay, we'll leave in 5" May smiles and shuts the door, You go to the bathroom and change back into your jeans but leave Peters hoodie on. You walk back into the room, yawning and rubbing your eye with the back of your hand. You freeze when you see Peter in just his boxers

"I- um Sorry!" You say and quickly turn around

"It's okay y/n" Peter laughs and continues getting dressed.

"You guys ready?" Ned ask, outside.

"Yup!" Peter says and grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers and walks out.

"Okay Parker" You tease and smile

"You like it" Peter teases back

"You're not wrong" You laugh and he smiles, moving his thumb across the back of your hand.

"Finally, lets go" May says, eyeing your guys hands. Peter shoots May a glare when you aren't looking and Ned shoots Peter a thums-up. Once you guys finally get the the restraunt you all take a seat.

"Hmm what are you going to get?" You ask Peter.

"I'm getting the (food)" Peter says

"ouhhh that sounds good" You say, looking at it on the menu.

"Is that what you want?" Peter ask

"Yeah, I think so, I'll just save the other half for dinner tonight" You say, closing the menu.

"We can split if you'd like" Peter offers

"Are you sure?" You ask, you didn't want to take some of his food.

"Yeah, I only ever eat half anyways" Peter says and smiles.

"Okay then, we'll split" You say smiling as well. The waiter comes up and takes all of your orders.

"I'll have the (food) please" May says and the waiter nods, writing it down.

"And me and her are going to share the (food) please" Peter orders for the both of you. You smile and grab his hand under the table. He smiles as well and traces shapes on your hand with his. May soon starts asking you and Ned questions but your attention is on the t.v. behind her. There was people running around and chaos happing everywhere. When you don't answer a question, Peter follows you eyes and realized what's happening. You and Peter both look at each other, trying to figure out how you're going to get out of this brunch. You pretend your phone is ringing.

"Hey dad? Woah woah slow down... Okay I'll be right there" You 'hang up' and look to Peter.
"I have to go" You pause and start fake crying
"My dad" You say wiping the tears that are now streaming down your face. You kick Peters foot under the table and he finally catches on to what you're doing.

"Ouch, I mean it's okay I'll walk you home" Peter says, standing up and you're now full on crying.

"Sorry May, I'll be back soon!" Peter apologized but he doesn't know that May couldn't be more proud of Peter. You both walk outside the restaurant and you grab Peters hand, dragging him around the corner so Ned and May couldn't see you. As soon as you're out of eye sight you stop fake crying and wipe your tears with you, well Peters sleeve. You look at Peter and he's just staring down at you.

"What?" You ask, finishing wiping your face.

"You can fake cry that well?" Peter ask, astonished.

"You can't?" You tease and Peter smiles

"I don't think anyone else in the world can" Peter laughs and you both smile, hurrying up to get suited up. When you're both finished suiting up you guys head to the scene where the t.v. was showing. Luckily your dad made you a suit like Natasha but you have a mask like Bucky's that covers half of your face.

"What the" Peter says, looking at everything in front of him.

"Okay, lets evacuate everyone first" You instruct and he nods. You both walk into different building going to evacuate everyone but as soon as you step in the building the whole atmosphere and where you are changes. You were suddenly back in Peters room with him and Ned, but it was like they couldn't see you.

"Ew, no Ned! She's disgusting!" Peter says

"Y/n? She isn't that bad" Ned says but Peter fake gags

"She's worthless. I'm only using her to get close to Mr. Stark" Peter says, but stops once you walk in. Well, past you I guess. You watch yourself say sorry to the pair just like you had earlier today. Then suddenly, you were back in the building. Nobody was even inside so you walk out, feeling hurt.

'Peter wouldn't say that.. right? He wouldn't call you worthless.. would he?' You think, but it felt so real, maybe that's what they were talking about. You get brought back to reality when Peter lands in front of you.

"Whatever was here isn't anymore" Peter says and you discretely wipe away a tear you didn't know had shed. You don't trust your own voice so you just nod, signifying you understand.

"We should get back to the tower and tell Mr. Stark" Peter says and you have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes.

"Y/n?" Peter ask

"Yeah whatever, lets go" You say

"Okay.." Peter says, confused.


Do you guys even like this story lol

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