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"Good night dad, I love you too" you say, walking out to go to bed.


The next morning

You wake up to someone jumping on your bed. You look up and see Natasha and groan

"Come on! Time to get up!" She says and you laugh. Nat had always been like an older sister to you.
"Great see you there in 10" she says walking out. You get up and put on some leggings and a sports bra. Putting your hair in a pony tail and walk to the gym
"You ready?" Natasha asks and you answer with a yawn.
"Great, today we're going to be focusing on hand to hand combat" Nat explains.

"Sounds good" you answer

"Great, so get started with your mile and we'll work on the punching bag" you nod and get started on your mile. Once you finish you go to the center of the gym.
"Ready?" Nat ask. You finish taping your hands and nod, stepping to the bag. You warm up with some quick punches and Nat starts telling you patterns to swing at.
"Jab! Punch! Right hook! Upper cut!" And so on. After about 30ish minutes she says you can relax. You take a sip of water, trying to catch your breath. After 1 minute she tells you to get ready

"Okay, so today you're going against Bucky" Natasha explains. You'd never gone against Bucky so you didn't know his strengths and weaknesses. All you knew was there he was really strong and had a metal arm.

"Nervous?" Bucky says, laughing.

"No, but you should be" you joke back and he smiles.

"I'll take it easy on you" he says

"Why? So you can say you let me win?" You laugh and he smiles.

"I like you, you're definitely Tony's kid" Bucky laughs.

"Thank you" you smile. You both go to the middle of the Matt, tapping fist, signaling that you're ready. Not one moment later he swings with his left arm, the metal one. You don't think, just react and do a back handspring. He runs to you and punches you, hitting you in the stomach, sending you flying back. You look up and see Bucky in the air, you quickly roll out of the way. His fist makes contact with the ground, making a obvious joke. You put your hands behind your head and push, jumping up. Buckys fist is stuck in the concrete so you do a 360 kick, landing on his side. Sending him flying instead.

He groans as he lands in the floor with a thud. He gets up and is obviously getting mad that he's not easily winning. He throws a punch and you move your head, dodging it. He growls and throws another but you dodge it again. He swings hard with his metal arm at your face but you catch it. The force of the punch causing you to slide back some but you hold your ground.

"You need a different move" you say still holding his fist. You flip over him, twisting his arm behind his back.

"My moves are just fine" he groans and flings his head back, making contact with your nose. You step back and wipe the blood pouring out of it.

"That wasn't very nice" you say, in pain and annoyed.

"I'm not very nice" he says walking towards you. You both keep sparing for another 20+ minutes, your body is so sore and tired but you keep fighting until Nat says

"Alright, good job" you both are panting and in pain by the time you finish

"Good job y/n" Bucky says, putting his hand out to shake. You shake it and then flip him

"I win" you smile and he laughs even though he got the wind knocked out of him.

"Fair enough" Bucky says, reaching out his hand for you to help him up which you do. Nat hugs you and say

Tony's daughter (spider-man x reader)Where stories live. Discover now