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Once you finish getting ready there's a knock at your door.


"Who is it?" You ask

"Dad" tony says back.

"Come in" you say. He comes in and takes in your appearance,

"Hey sweetie, where are you going?" He ask, curious

"Hey dad, I'm just going out with friends" you say

"Who?" Tony ask, crossing his arms

"MJ, Ned, and Peter" you answer and he slightly relaxes at peters name. You give him a weird look but he plays it off.

"Fine, but don't be out all night" tony says, walking towards the door.

"Wait really?" You ask

"Yeah yeah just don't get in trouble and keep your jacket on" he says and you hug him. He smiles into the hug

"Thank you dad" you whisper

"You're welcome, now go before i change my mind" you smile and walk to grab your phone.
"Why are you limping?" Tony ask

"Oh, training today was tough" you explain

"What, you couldn't handle cap?" Tony says, laughing.

"No, I was going against that Spider-Bug guy" you answer, looking in the mirror. Tony freezes and looks at you.
"What?" You ask, turning around.

"Nothing, he was wearing his suit right?" Tony ask

"Yes dad.. why?" you roll your eyes annoyed.

"No reason" tony answers

"I think it's dumb how I'm the only one who doesn't know who he is" you say

"Sorry kiddo it's for your safety" Tony says

"Yeah yeah I know" you say, annoyed but drop it.

"Have fun, but not too much fun. I have eyes everywhere" tony says, squinting his eyes.

"Mhm, bye dad. I love you" you answer, giving him another hug

"Bye sweetie, I love you too" tony says as he pulls away. Giving you a kiss on your forehead.

*time skip*

"Hey guys, you ready?" You ask your friends as you meet up with them.

"Yup" Ned and MJ answer. Peter turns around and his eyes goes wide, taking in your look.

"Wow y/n, you look.. great" Peter says, his face turning red.

"Thank you, you do too" you compliment, blushing.

"Thanks" he says quietly. You walk towards them and limp slightly.

"Why are you limping?" MJ ask

"What? I'm not" you say, lying.

"Yes you are. You literally just did" Ned says. Peter is just examining you, trying to see what's wrong.

"I was just working out" you say, trying to drop the subject.

"And you hurt yourself?" MJ ask

"Um.. yup" you say. Peters eyes widen and his eyes are attached to your leg.

"Oh my gosh y/n" he says walking forward. He crouched and looks at your leg where a big bruise was forming. He traces his fingers over it making you flinch slightly.

"It's nothing" you say, stepping back. Peter looks at you with sad eyes and stands back up.
"Can we just get going?" You ask impatient.

"Yeah lets go" MJ and a Ned agree. You all walk to Brad's house and knock on the door. It opens and Brad greets you guys

"Hey y/n" he smiles at you
"Oh.. and y/n's friends" he says annoyed.

"Hey" they say and you all step inside

"Drinks and food are over there" he point and then grabs your hand.
"Hey y/n, will you come with me?" Brad ask, Peter gives him a death glare and steps in front of you.

"She's good" Peter says

"Woah dude calm down, I was asking her. Not you" Brandon says

"Peter it's fine" you say, putting your hand on his arm. Peter turns around and looks at you like 'what are you doing?!'  You give him an 'it's ok' look and he hesitantly nods. He moves out of the way but whispers

"If anything happens, we'll be over here" you nod and kiss his cheek

"Thanks Peter" you say smiling

"Come on y/n, let's go!" Brad says, pulling you slightly. You keep eye contact with Peter until you can't see him anymore
"Drink?" Brad ask, holding up a cup.

"No thanks, I don't drink" you say, turning him down.

"Oh come on, what are you chicken?" Brad jokes and hands you the drink.

"Alright fine. But only one" you say, taking a sip. Brad smiles as you drink it.

"Hey how about I give you a tour" Brad says, standing up.

"Oh no, I'm okay" you say until Brad grabs your hand, pulling you off the counter.

"Oh come on, don't be lame" Brad says

"Okay..." you say quietly. Brad shows you around until

"And this is my room" Brad says

"Oh.. um cool" you turn around to walk out but run into brads chest.
"Oh sorry" you say, backing up

"It's alright" Brad says. You suddenly get really dizzy and Brad grabs your wrist, keeping you steady. His hands slide down to your waist and he kisses your neck.

"No" you say, slurring. You try to get him off of you but your head is spinning
'That fucking drink' you though
'He must of drugged it'

"Calm down, beautiful" he says as he slides off your jacket. He leads you to the bed and pushes you on it, pinning you down.

"Stop!" You yell out

"Shut up!" Brad says and you try to regain your senses back. You pound and beat on his chest but he doesn't budge. He puts on hand on your throat, choking you hard. His hand slides up on your leg and you struggle against his grip. You're about to give in and black out until he gets thrown off of you. You gasp for air as his hand falls from your neck.
"Yo what the fuck dude?" You hear Brad call out.

"You shouldn't do stuff with girls if they say no" you make out the voice to be Peter.

"Hey man, we were just having fun" Brad says trying to defend himself.

"Yeah well it doesn't look like she was having fun" Peter says

"She was asking for it alright" Brad starts to say but gets interrupted by Peter punching him square in the face.
"Shit dude!" Brad groans out in pain

"That's for touching y/n" Peter says, punching him again
"And that's for ignoring her saying no" Peter says, knocking Brad out cold. Peter looks back at you on the bed, your outfit had been ripped so you were covering your body with your jacket.
"Shit y/n" Peter says, walking over to you. He immediately takes off his sweatshirt, putting it on you. You don't say anything, just silently sob and let him dress you. He looks at you and when you don't say anything he hugs you
"It's okay.. I'm so sorry y/n. I should of been here" Peter whispers into your hair as he held you tight. He kisses your forehead and continues to hug you while you cry.

"Peter?" Ned calls out as he walks in

"Holy shit y/n, is she okay?" MJ ask, running to your side.

"No, she's not okay. I'm taking her back to my apartment" Peter says, picking you up. You don't say anything, just let him carry you as you hold onto him. Once you get back to peters apartment he lays you on his bed and tucks you in. He takes off your shoes and make-up with one of Mays makeup wipes. He gets interrupted by a phone call.


Sry guys I know I haven't been active in here or my other book. I've been dealing with some personal stuff.

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