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"You're welcome" Peter whispers


You both pull away and you wipe away a tear. You both walk to the fort and eat lunch while watching movies. You end up falling asleep on each other and you both wake up to footsteps. You snap your eyes open and shake peter, putting your finger to your mouth to say shh. He wakes up and listens until he hears the footsteps too.

"Stay here" he whispers and goes to walk out. You grab his hand and he looks at you.               
"I'll be fine" He whispers and you hesitantly let go of his hand. He walks out and you wait for a minute until you hear footsteps and then a loud thud followed by a groan. You walk out of the fort and hear,                                                                                                                                                  "Oh my gosh Mr. Stark I am so sorry" Peter says. You look to your left and see your dad webbed up against the wall and peter freaking out, apologizing. You burst out laughing and they both look at you

"Oh my gosh this is hilarious!"  You say between laughs

"Peter, you have 2 seconds to get me out of this before I blast you and take away your suit" Tony says, his iron fist attaching to his hand. Peter nervously tries to get Tony out of the webbing while you sit back and watch, trying hard not to laugh

"2" Tony starts counting. Peter looks at you, his eyes wider.

"I don't have to stuff to dissolve it!" Peter says

"Well I suggest you get it" Says tony but you can tell he's trying not to laugh as well.

"Um okay!" Peter says and runs downstairs, you and your dad burst out laughing.

"Dad, do you have to be so mean to him?" You say, laughing

"What? It'll toughen him up" Tony smiles.
"Do you like him?" Your dad ask causing you to smile thinking about peter.

"I really do dad" You blush

"He's a good kid" Tony says
L"Weird and awkward but good" he continues. After a couple moments you hear Steve yell

"No running inside!" and peter shouts back,

"I have to find the thingy for Mr. Stark before he shoots me!" You hear Bucky laugh

"TONY! WE'VE TALKED ABOUT THIS!" You hear Steve yell causing you and your dad to laugh again.

"You've threatened to shoot him before?!" You ask

"uhh yeah?" Tony says, as if it's normal.

"You know I have a pocket knife" You say and your dad looks at you

"And you're just now telling me?" Tony says

"Yeah, I was having to much fun"  You tease

"Come on, get me out of this" Tony says, smiling. You get him out of the webbing just as Peter runs back up, out of breath.

"Mr. Stark! I found it!" He says happily until he turns the corner and sees Tony already out of the webbing. Peter looks at your nervously, waiting for your dad to blast him.

"Come on, peter" You say, grabbing his hand as Tony death glares peter.

"yeah.." Peter says, still looking at Tony. You bring him downstairs where everyone else is and you smile

'finally, something normal' you think

"Hey guys, what do you want for dinner?" You ask and as usual everyone says something completely different.

Tony's daughter (spider-man x reader)Where stories live. Discover now