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"It's spider man" you say as you drag him into a empty room and grab his ID card.


Checking the footage to make sure the other 3 people were still there, you sneak in and hide behind some boxed. The same guy interrogating Peter was still hitting him. The other two with guns, on look out.

"I'm not lying!" Peter says as blood drips from his lip

"Hmm let's test that out shall we?" The man says as he walks to a table with various tools on it. He grabs a sharp knife and starts playing with it in his fingers before bringing it back to Peter. Peters eyes close, waiting for the pain as the man pushes the knife against Peter. Not enough to break the skin but enough to cut his suit. You grab something from a box and throw it to the other side of the room. They all immediately look that direction and point their guns there. You go out from the boxed and run towards the 2 people with guns. They turn to look at you so you slide in between the legs on the rights one, kicking his right leg in the process so he fell on the floor. He groans in pain as you quickly stand up, looking at the dude on the left. He points his gun at you but you grab the barrel of the gun with your left hand and do a side flip over it. You land and kick the back of his right leg causing him to drop to his knee. You swiftly connect your knee with his face and jam the butt of his gun to his head, knocking him out cold. You kick the gun out of his reach just in case. Not even looking behind you, you hear the first dude running at you so you kick backwards and he lands again the concrete wall with a thud. You pull out both guns and point them at the dude that was hurting Peter. He puts his hands in surrender.

"Who are you working for" you ask

"I work for no one" he speaks

"Where are the rest of the avengers?" You ask, angry.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he says with a smirk.

"Don't fucking lie to me!" You say

"Put the gun down and we can talk" he says, still smirking.

"Go ahead, talk" you say holding the gun still. He looks behind you staring, so you glance back seeing nothing. You look back forwards to see him throwing knifes at you. Like the practice with Nat you flip over them, dodging them all until once hits your upper thigh.

"Oops" he says and you shoot his leg where he stabbed you

"Oops" you say as he falls to the ground. You limp over to Peter and take the knife out of your legs, using it to cut his ropes. Whimpering in pain as you pull it out your leg. Peter immediately stands up and outs both his hands on your face

"Are you okay?" He ask and you nod

"Are you okay?" You ask and he nods. You're both absolutely not okay but neither of you want to say it. You cut a part of your shirt and tie it tightly around your leg above your wound.
"Can you web them up just in case?" You say and he nods, doing as you asked.

"What do we do now?" Peter ask

"I have no clue" you say
"Jarvis how many more are there?" You ask

"There's approximately 20 or more around the building" Jarvis answers and you and Peter look at each other.

"Well shit" you say as some walk into the room. You get into a first fight with two of them and Peter has the other two. One of them grabs you from behind so you bite his forehand causing him to bleed and let go. You deal with the other one and knock them both out. Once you know your second guys out cold you hear Peter

"Y/n!" He yells and you both make eye contact thinking the same thing. Peter webs up the last dude and swings him to you. You do a flip and kick him in his gut and he falls to the floor. Peter webs his mouth and arms and looks at you
"Y/n you're pale" he says, observing you.

Tony's daughter (spider-man x reader)Where stories live. Discover now