• t w e n t y •

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"Okay.." Peter says, confused.


You and Peter walk in and you go to your dads lab, Peter following behind you.

"Hey kids" Tony says and takes in your looks.

"What happened?" Your dad ask

"We saw a huge chaotic scene on the news and went to check it out, but when we got there nothing was there" Peter answers when you don't say anything.

"Okay, good job. Well keep a close eye on stuff" Tony says. Part of you wants to confront Peter right here in front of your dad so he wont ever 'get close to Mr. Stark' but the other half of you knew you couldn't do that to Peter. Maybe you were worthless but you didn't want to throw him under the bus.

"y/n, you okay?" Your dad ask, bringing your attention back to the people in front of you.

"I'm fine" You smile, using your acting skills. You turn around and walk out, Peter following close behind you. He catches up to you and grabs your hand but you snatch it out of his grip.

"Woah, sorry" Peter says, as you turn to face him, holding in your tears.
"What's wrong?" Peter ask and he takes a step forward towards you. You take a step back and Peter looks at you confused and hurt.

"I heard what you were saying to Ned about me" You say

"Oh.. you heard that?" Peter says, his face now red.

"Did you really mean it?" You ask

"Of course I meant it y/n" Peter says, you weren't ready for him to just come out and admit it.

"Okay.." You say quietly, turning around walking to your room. You kept yourself composed until you finally got to your room and allow yourself to break down.

*an hour and 1/2 later*

There was a knock on the door but you just pretended you were asleep, when in reality you were still crying and feeling well, worthless.

"Y/n I know you're in there" Nat says. You keep quiet and hope she goes away.

"Y/n Stark, either you let me in or I break down that door" Nat says. You know she's serious so you reluctantly get up and open the door. When Nat sees you she hugs you immediately

"Y/n what happened?" Nat ask. You hesitate, debating whether or not to tell her. You bring her in your room and shut the door.

"Peter" You pause
"Peter said I was worthless and that he was just using me to get close to my dad" You admit and start to cry again although you tried not to. Natasha pulls you into another hug.

"When did this happen?" Nat ask, still holding onto you waiting for your breathing to slow down so you can answer.

"Today" You answer. Natasha pulls away and looks in your eyes.

"He just looked at you and called you worthless?" Nat ask, obviously really mad.

"No, but he admitted to it" You say and Natasha looks at you, sad and confused.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to tell me exactly what happened" Nat says. You nod and you both take a seat on your bed.

"So when we arrived at the scene" You start explaining everything that happened. Nat listened closly and when you were done she pauses.

"Something not adding up" Nat says and you look at her, confused.

"What do you mean?" You speak your thoughts and she thinks for a moment before saying.

Tony's daughter (spider-man x reader)Where stories live. Discover now