• e i g h t e e n •

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"Come on, lets get some sleep" Peter whispers. Peter quickly changes into some sweatpants and you both climb into bed, holding on to one another. You both drift off to sleep with ease now that you're in each others arms.


*the next morning*

You wake up to your dad knocking on your door.

"y/n, it's time to get up" He says and you look at peter.

"Peter, go in the closet!" You whisper, shaking him awake.

"Y/n?" Your dad calls out

"Yeah, one moment" You say and basically shove peter, off the bed. Once Peter finally gets in the closet the door opens.

"Oh good, you're awake" Tony says

"Lunch is ready, you should come eat" Tony says walking to the door.

"Okay, thank you" You smile and before he walks out he stops and turns his head.

"Oh and Peter, you're welcome to come too" Tony says, making your eyes go wide.

"Th-thank you Mr. Stark" Peter calls out through the door. Tony just smiles and walks out.

"Well that didn't work" You laugh as Peter walks out.

"That wasn't funny I almost peed myself" Peter laughs and you double over, laughing.

"That was pretty funny" You smile

"Yeah, for you!" He jokes and smiles with you.

"Hey, at least he didn't blast you" You say and peter laughs.

"That is true" Peter smiles

"Come on, lets go get lunch" You smile and hold out your hand which he gladly accepts. You both walk out to the dinning room, smiling.

"Hey y/n.. Hey Peter?" Steve says

"Yeah, thought she could sneak him in and I wouldn't find out" Tony says, sipping his coffee. After a couple of moments of silence filled with Tony mumbling,
"Thought you could sneak past me" You smile and say

"So how did everyone sleep?" You ask, changing the subject.




You hear everyone answer. You laugh and sit down next to Peter, grabbing some lunch, which Wanda and Vision made so it was delicious.

"Thank you, Wanda and Vision, this is really good" You compliment.

"It's the least we could do" Wanda smiles at you. Everybody finishes eating and decides to watch a movie. You surprise everyone and yourself by staying up for the whole movie, granted it was only 2 p.m. by the time it had finished.

"Hey do you want to go do something?" You ask Peter.

"Sure, what do you want to do?" Peter ask.

"'Not sure yet" You smile and he laughs.
"Want to go to my apartment and watch Star Wars?" Peter ask and you look up at him

"You read my mind" You say and Peter smiles.

"Hey dad, we're going to go to Peter's place, is that okay?" You ask

"Sure, just text me when you get there and please be safe" Tony says, serious.

"Of course, thank you dad" You smile. You grab Peters hand and walk out the door. As you're walking with Peter you guys are talking and laughing. Until you finally get to his apartment.

Tony's daughter (spider-man x reader)Where stories live. Discover now