• e l e v e n •

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"Wanna talk?" You ask and he shrugs.


"Okay cool, let's go to the roof" you say and he nods. You both go up to the roof and sit.
"Okay, I'm going to be straight forward. Do you not like me?" You ask and he looks at you.

"What? No! Why would you think that?" He says, his voice familiar.

"I don't know it just seems like you never want to be around me" you say honestly.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just get nervous around you and freak out" Spider-Man says, surprising you.

"Why do you get nervous?" You ask

"Because.. I.. like you" he answered quietly and inside you're freaking out.

"You do?" You ask shocked.

"Yeah" he responds and you both look at each other for a moment. You roll his mask up and you both lean in. You're about to connect your lips when you stop.

"I'm sorry, but I like someone else" you say, softly. You pull his mask back down and instantly feel bad. I mean it's not like you and Peter are dating but you still would feel guilty.

"Oh, who?" He ask, sad looking down

"His name is Peter" you say and get butterflies thinking about him. Spider-Man's head snaps to meet your eyes

"Really?" He ask

"Yeah, I'm sorry" you answer

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize" spider man says softly.
"Why do you like him?" He ask after a pause.

"Peter?" You ask and he nods.
"He's just the most nicest, funniest, and dorkiest guys I've ever met" you blush thinking about him.
"Every since I met him he's done everything for me and has been nothing but nice to me. And he's really cute" you continue, thinking of everything peters done for you.

"He sounds great" Spider-Man says

"He is" you smile

"Does he know how you feel?" He ask

"Well I'd hope so. I mean we've kissed and I've told him" you say

"So what are you guys waiting for?" He ask

"I honestly don't really know. I guess we're trying to get to know each other more first. It's just weird I feel like I've known him longer than I have" you answer.
"I'm sorry, this is probably weird to talk about" you say shyly.

"No it's alright" he says

"Well we should get back before my dad freaks out" you say and he nods

"Yeah you're right" you both get back inside and you give him a quick hug.

"Thank you" you smile

"You're welcome" he says and you both go your separate ways. You walk into the living room and Thor shouts.

"Lady y/n! Please make dinner! We're starving!" Thor complains

"Okay, what does everyone want?" You ask and everyone shouts different things.
"How about spaghetti?" You ask and every smiles

"Yes!" They all shout.

"Okay then, I'll be working on that" you go to the kitchen and get started on dinner. After about an hour you finally finish dinner and you set the table
"Dinners ready!" You call out and everyone rushes into the dinning room. After dinner Steve suggest we all watch a movie. Thor grabs some snacks and drinks while everyone decides on a movie. You all come to the pick of Harry Potter. As normal about halfway through you end up falling asleep. You wake up to someone carrying you somewhere. You feel them out you on something soft and whisper.

Tony's daughter (spider-man x reader)Where stories live. Discover now