Run for Scar

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Rani woke up and lay on Kion's chest and saw her cute king and heard footsteps from the entrance, she saw that it was Makini

"Will you wake Kion?"  Makini whispered and Rani nodded, Makini left, and Rani bit Kion in the ear and he groaned

"Ten more minutes Rani"

"You have to go on patrol," Rani told him, and Kion got up immediately

"You're right" and Kion came out of the tree with Night Pride in front of him

"Good morning," Kion said

"Good morning, are you on patrol?  Said Baliyo

"Yes, but I'm still going for a drink," Kion replied, and Rani followed

"How was the patrol?  " she asked

"Everything was fine," Nirmala replied

Kion was leaving for a drink

"Nirmalo, can we start treatment?  Rani asked

"Yes," Nirmala replied

"I have to do something else," Rani said, running after Kion, who was drinking, and she bit him in the tail, and he smiled at her and jumped on her and pinned her.

"Apologize for the bite," he laughed

"Not so fast," he smirked and rolled over and pinned Kion

"I won again," Rani laughed

"So now you're going to say, 'I'm sorry about the most beautiful lioness in the world, I shouldn't have pinned you because it doesn't make sense because I always lose,'" Rani smiled.

"Okay" I'm sorry about the most beautiful lioness in the world, I shouldn't have pinned you, because it doesn't make sense because I always lose, "Kion repeated

"That's how I like it, I'm going to treatment with Nirmala, if you need me you know where to find me," Rani said and Kion nodded.

"Good luck" and he hugged her

"Thanks," he thanked and ran away, followed by Nirmala and Surak

"The two were made for each other," Surak said

"Yes, they are deeply in love," Nirmala smiled

"Rani reminds me of her father," Surak said

"Yes, I'm going, you should go get some rest," Nirmala said

"Yes I'm going," he replied and left, then Rani ran

"Here we go?"  Rani asked

"Let's go," Nirmala replied, walking toward the lake

"So look at yourself here and tell me what you see?  " She asked

„My reflection," she replied

"All right then I'll go and you look inside yourself and think about what you should have done and what else you have to do" she said as she left

"Okay," and Rani began to think, when the scar was healed, she could reign again and spend time with Kion, but she would also have to repel Scar's attacks, we would never hurt or kill them if it took a long time to let go, but we weren't assassins.  we will not kill.  And Scar is selfish, he won't care if we kill only one leopard, we have to kill the Absolute, Clawa and Makucha otherwise it won't work.  I would take charge of Claw, Kion would  Ahsoku and Suraku and Baliya would Makucha then he would give up, Scar wouldn't but they would be much weaker and then we could attack and end-

“Rani?  Rani turned to see Kion

"Oh Kion," Rani said

"This is your therapy? " Kion laughed, that's exactly what Rani told him when he was being treated, and she laughed too

"* Laughs* well yeah at least there aren't any frogs jumping on me, "Rani replied

"And about what do you thoughit?  "

"Well, if we somehow got rid of Makuchi, Ahsoky and Clawa, they wouldn't have a leader in the battle and we would have a much better chance of winning," Rani explained.

"Hmm" that's true, but getting rid of them like killing them?  Kion asked

"It's one of the possibilities," Rani replied

"What is to push them away from the battle and I would roar them away and before they return we would attack and kill Scar, we have no choice but because he will return and build an even stronger army and over time we would allow it," Kion explained.

"It's a great idea Kion," Rani replied

"Queen Rani, King Kion" it was Ulla who screamed

"Yes?  "They both said at once

"Scar's army is already behind the mountain pass"

"Come Kion," Rani said

"They're terrible, we'll have to do it as soon as possible," Kion explained

"Yes" and they were already in battle and were joined by Night Pride

"Night pride Makuchu, Ahsoku and Clawa get to the left of the battle.  With strench and Respect ”Rani ordered

"Night pride Protect" was answered by everyone

"Suraku Baliyo take Makuchu and Kion and I know what to do," Rani said and they had already clashed with the army.

Kion wil with Ahsoka, Rani with Claw and Baliyo and Surak married Makucha, of course they all fought with the leopards so it wasn't that easy, and they lost Rani was injured by Claw and Kion did it without injury but Baliyo and Surak didn't hurt anyone either.  Night pride lost was pushed almost to the tree, everyone fought bravely but it had no effect, Rani slapped Claw in the face and he got angry

“Everyone except Ahsoka and Makucha here!  He ordered, and they all pounced on Rani

"No!  Shouted Kion and threw himself into the crowd of leopards and started fighting next to Rani and they fought back to back and quite successfully but then Kion was tired, he saw Claw out of battle so now was the chance Kion roared the leopards on his side jumped to Rana's side  and roared at them too.

“Baliyo Suraku do you have it?  Kion asked

"Yeah," Baliyo replied

"Quick Rani, Nirmala Claw I, Surak Ahsoka.  Baliyo guarding Makucha "and they ran towards their enemies, Rani pinned Clawa but he threw her away and Nirmala inflicted a blow on him, he got angry and wanted Nirmale to give a deadly blow but Rani bit his stomach and he jumped to the ground, Kion pinned Ahsoku  and Surak helped him hold her.

"Make them all unconscious," Rani ordered, punching Claw and putting him to sleep, as did Kion Ahsoce and Baliyo Makuch.  All three brought them together

"Kion, you can send them even further than BBinturong's mom," Rani asked

"Yes, but I will probably faint with exhaustion," Kion explained

"Well, then we'll pour you cold water on me," Rani replied

"So everyone for me," Kion said, and they all ran for him, and he created the biggest tornado he'd ever made and sent them away.

"We have 9 days," Kion said and he fainted

"The run for Scar begins," Rani growled, Scar saw it all and ran to hide

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