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By the lake
"Well, it happen  ed that we heard a roar, so we went to meet you and saw you swimming and Kion drowning.  I jumped for Kion, Surak for Rani.  I had a harder time because Kion was at the bottom, fortunately I held my breath for as long as necessary, we both took you ashore. ”Finished Baliyo story
"Ah thanks to Surak, Baliyo, Nirmalo" She thanked Rani
"So Kion, how did you stay alive?  Surak asked
"A long story - let's leave it for another time"
Okay, so what's the plan? ”
"We've teamed up with Puma to carry out Part 1 of the plan, Claw should take his strongest army and head in the direction of Pride lands, we'll use that and then you'll break in through a mountain pass, I'll wait somewhere, and when everyone gets together, I'll roar  is that tree of life, will be our"Kion explained
"Sounds good," everyone began to cheer
"We'll carry out the plan well when Claw and the others run out of the pass," Rani explained
They all ran to hide in the bushes and behind the trees beside the pass.  They waited a long time but then…
"Quick to Pride lands, I want revenge on Kion for what he did," Claw ordered.
When they ran a short distance, the night pride ran into the pass.
"With strench and Respect," Rani shouted
"Night Pride protect," everyone said
Night Pride ran into the pass and ran on into the pass, while at the end he was waiting for Makucha and his leopards
"Ah Kion, the one who rose from the dead, I eagerly awaited your arrival," laughed Makucha
"Before I kill you forever, you should know that if Claw does not find you on the way to Pride lands, he will kill your family and friends, so I give you Kion one last chance.  Will you attack? ”Makuch asked defiantly
"Yes, I have a roar that will get me there a hundred times faster than Claw," Kion snapped
"Yes, but if you don't defend them, they will all be dead and it will be your fault and more.  Do you remember how you lit that fire?  ”
Kion did not answer
"So now you will always think about the failure, and thanks to that you will light more fires and one day you may kill someone," Makucha told him when at that moment….
"But but who do we have here the famous King Kion who has risen from the dead, poor Queen Rani who doesn't even touch Queen Janna's ankles, she claims her and her stupid brother, her elderly uncle, and her aunt Nirmala who can only heal.  So this is a group for me, ”said Claw, who had about 20 leopards behind him.
"I'm offering you an offer against us, you don't stand a chance and you'll go away and not come back, or we'll kill you all here ? ”
"Night comes into battle," Rani ordered
Claw ran on the mountain pass and watched everything, Kion noticed him and knew that if he injured or screamed away from the tree of life, he followed him and Claw deliberately pretended not to see him and timed it correctly to dodge Kion when he jumped.  cliff, Claw heard his run and….  He dodged later but Kion got caught  off the cliff.

 "Who died like this, didn't my brother-in-law do it to your incompetent grandfather?  Claw asked
 Kion tried to dig up as Rani screamed
 "Kionn!  "But the leopards surrounded her so she could not save him
 "Do You want know our whole plan?  So t...

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"Who died like this, didn't my brother-in-law do it to your incompetent grandfather?  Claw asked
Kion tried to dig up as Rani screamed
"Kionn!  "But the leopards surrounded her so she could not save him
"Do You want know our whole plan?  So that treacherous cougar told me you'd think I'd run to Pride lands and Makucha would hold you back, and then we'd surround you.  That's our plan, I inherited my cleverness from Zira
"Are you Scar's relative?"  Kion asked with horror in his eyes
"I'm sure I'm Zira's brother, (I know Zira certainly didn't have him as a brother, I just wanted Kion to feel even more hatred for him) and now I'll tell you what I did to your lover. I killed Rana's parents."
"You killer, but if I'm going to die, you'll come with me."
Kion bit into Claw's mane, and Claw shouted loudly
"This is behind Rani's parents," he growled, taking him by the mane and throwing him down.  But Claw still managed to grab his leg, and the two lions fell.

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