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„What?“ asked Kion

„He is king of the north tundra“ sayed lion

„And what is your name?“ asked Rani

„Mohok“ replied Mohok

„Sure, Mohok you is cured. You welcom at the tree of life“ sayed Rani

„Thank you queen Rani“ replied Mohok and he left from the tree

„Do you mean, that king Hunter wanted our kingdom?“ asked Rani

„This is one of the lot of big kingdoms, is possible that he is atack on our kingdom“ replied Kion

„Are you going on the patrol?“ asked Rani in a lonely tone

„Ehh…. when you don´t want, I don´t go“ sayed Kion

„Thank, lately nothing much is happening“ sayed Rani and she put her head on the his

„I´am realy advice that you back“ sayed Rani

„Yes I´am also advice. Without you will be my life without something what I love it“ sayed Kion

„I love you too, my big king“ laughed Rani and hugged him, they are for a while played a match and then came Mohok

„I hope I´am not disturbing“ laughed Mohok

„No, you not. What you need?“ asked Rani

„Yeah I came to explain to you what I meant by that Hunter“ replied Mohok

„King of the north tundra is very cruel he has go tone military leader, he is a jaguar with the scar trought the eye, I don´t know his name but he  leads all the battles. Thanks to it, more and more countries are gaining“ explained Mohok and Kion and Ranit hes looked at each other

„Jaguar with the scar trought  the eye?“ he asked startled

„Yes, and I go to the safest kingdom on the world. I go to your kingdom for help“ sayed Mohok

„Help?“ sayed Kion

„Kingdom under the government Hunter i tis not maintained in the cyrcle of life“ Mohok said

"So the lands there, if they don't respect the circle of life, probably don't look the best, the old kings who ruled there are already dead and the herds have moved away.  All herds have left due to overhunting and are on their way here and to the countries that remain.  Expect the huge arrival of herds that all over the world.  Expect herds from the prairies directly here.  Really, a lot of herds will be dragging here now.  If you want to keep the cycle of life in other countries, you have to get them, and those herds will return.  You also have to choose the right kings and queens, ”Mohok explain

"I should take it as a command or as an offer," Kion growled

"Your Majesty, I respect your decision and I think you would choose the best option.  In my opinion, you are the best ruler, ”Mohok replied calmly

"Okay Mohok, but we promise nothing," Rani replied, and Mohok bowed and left

"We will risk the lives of our friends unnecessarily," Kion growled

"But if he was telling the truth, our countries would be in danger," Rani replied

"Wait I have an idea, we'll send someone to them to tell them that Hunter is going to a fight with me and whoever wins has won all his land," Kion explained.

"No I won't let you go" she cried around Rani Kion's neck "You heard how strong he is, I don't want to lose you"

"Well, we'll wait a little longer, if he decides to attack, I  roar,them " Kion said

"You know what I told you, I don't think it's part of the circle of life," Rani replied

"I've been thinking about it, and yes, I'm going to return it now," Kion said, walking away, not wanting to return it, wanting to keep it for a truly emergency situation, even now that Hunter had appeared.  But what about Rani, if she keeps it just for emergencies and understands it, maybe it will save her life.  She would certainly understand, he was walking away from the tree of life, he wanted to check beyond the borders if there was peace, then Onga saw him and said it day pride

"Kion goes beyond the borders alone"

"I'm sure a scar is waking up again," Bunga shouted

“Bunga, Onga I'm going to tell Rani.  We will continue to patrol, ”said Fuli, and they left while Onga flew for Rani

"Queen Rani," she shouted

“Yes Onga?  Rani replied

"Kion goes beyond borders"

"He must have been upset about the roar," Rani muttered, running across the border across the pass where she found Kion.

"Kion," Rani said

"Oh Rani," he said, terrified that she had found him, that he did not return a roar

"Kion, I'm sorry, I meant well with that roar"

"Oh Rani, I understand you I'm just afraid I could spend you, my friends without a roar, I have a roar for several years, I don't know if I could do it without him" Kion explained

"But Kion, you are a great leader without a roar.  You know, you know he hasn't used him much lately. "

"You're right, I'm sorry Rani I'll listen to you next time.  You're always right, ”Kion said, and Rani pressed him

"We should go back now," Rani suggested, and Kion nodded, walking to the tree of life where day pride was resting and Night pride preparing for patrol.  Kion and Rani went out into the tree, and they lay down next to each other and cuddled, and then Kion began to speak

"I'll probably go talk to my father, you should go there too if we have a meeting"

"Yes, I've been thinking about that, too, we'll tell him about the King of the Northern Tundra

"Who should do it here?"  Kion asked

"I think Nirmala and Surak are wise and have our trust," Rani replied

"Yes, I've been thinking about that, too," Kion agreed, then flew into Ulu's tree of life

"Queen Rani, King Kion," Ulla shouted, and Rani nodded as she could speak

"King Simba and Queen Nala are coming"

"So I don't think we need to go to Pride lands," Rani smiled

"Yes" and left the king and queen opposite when they came out of the tree Simba and Nala immediately shouted Kion's name and Simba hugged him and Nala started talking to Rani

"We have been attacked by the king of the northern tundra.  Hunter ”and Kion and Rani exchanged frightened

"And what happened then?  Rani asked

"Fortunately, we defended ourselves, but then we found out from our scouts that he was going to the tree of life, and Hunter said briefly that he needed strong offspring.  And he also said that thanks to your family blood and strength, you could give him strong offspring

I wrote the first 300 words for the first time in English without the help of a translator, there can be mistakes.  I apologize for them

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