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Kion and Claw fell down, and when  they both fell unconscious, Rani ran with a leopard for his leader, and then Rani had an idea in her head that if she kidnapped Claw and exchanged him for a kingdom, they would hand him over, but they would do more lunges to the kingdom.  But they would have looked after it already.  So she bittened the leopard who wanted to take Claw and he groaned, but he fought on, the lioness and the leopard got up and were about to strike but Rani was faster and gave him a blow after which he fell to the ground and she kicked him with her hind legs and called Baliya who just  fought the puma
"Baliyo come help me with Claw, take him to the mountain pass"
"I'm leaving," Baliyo said as he pinned on the  puma and knocked her unconscious, Baliyo ran after Claw and carried him past the pass as Rani carried Kion away.  The two left them there and ran back to the battlefield
"Nirmalo, go guard the Kion and Claw behind the pass, we'll drive them away," Rani ordered her.
"I'm running," Nirmala replied as she ran
"Stop!  Rani shouted, and everyone fell silent
"We have your ruler in power, if you do not immediately stop fighting and don't surrender to the kingdom your  leader will be killed"
"We should retreat," said one of the leopards, all consulting for a moment, and then one of them stepped out
"Give us our ruler," said the tiger
"All right, run Surak for him," Rani told Surak
"Sure, Rani," and he ran for Claw , then returned with him, and the tiger leopards and Orly left.
"Shall we take Kion to the lair, is Nirmalo his condition serious?  Rani asked.
"Normal unconsciousness," Nirmala replied
"We need him to wake up quickly, they could attack at any time, we'll splash him with water from the lake," Rani said.
So they carried Kion to the lake, where they waited for him and he woke up
"Claw the killer" shouted Kion in a sleep
"Kion, are you okay?" Rani asked
"Yes I am - Rani, Baliyo I have to tell you the wrong information, do you know who killed your parents?  Kion asked
Rani and Baliyo exchanged glances, and Kion continued
"As I  hung from the cliff, Claw whispered in mi ear that he was Scar's brother-in-law and that his sister was Zira, and then he told me one thing worse… Claw is your parents' killer." Rani and Baliyo replied crying and they both ran away.  and the Surak and Nirmala stood there stunned
"I had to tell them, they should know the truth," Kion said
"Yes, Kion." So who is Zira who's brother? "Surak asked
"Zira was the leader of a large pack who liked the period of Scar's reign, as they hunted 5 to 7 animals almost every day, so she went to avenge Scara and her pack was among her, and Kovu came to the pride lands with the intention of killing Simba, but then betrayed his own  mother and not to fight, Kovu and Kiara convinced all of Zira's pack except Ziri when she wanted to attack Simba so Kiara threw her down from the cliff "Kion said
"-see-" Surav's voice was interrupted by a sharp shout
„Kion ?? !!!  "A voice shouted, and Kion knew it was his father's voice and ran against him
"Daddy," Kion said as they hugged
"Son, how did you get back here?  "When Nala came to see Simba
"Kion!  She cried with happiness
"Mom, yeah, and Dad to tell you ** return **," Kion said
Then came Rani and Baliy
In Claw's Clan Camp

"We have to come up with a new plan, Kion won't come back for the second time," Claw said
“Resurrection of Scar!  The cougar called
"How do you want to do it?  Claw asked
"It's very clear," a fire began to unfold next to them, and there was a fiery head with a scar over his eye.
„S-C-aaa-r?  Claw stammered
"Yes brother-in-law, I've been watching you for some time, and I think that for my resurrection I will have a body of flesh and blood."
"And how do you want to do it?  Claw asked
"I need the blood of my two killers, the blood of my best friend means you.  Then I need that monkey's stick, that's all.  Scar explained
"Yes, but then where?"  Claw asked.
"Either into lava or into fire, the nearest volcano is in pride lands"
"All right, Scare, I'll be right there, everyone.  You stay here and go spy there so you know what's going on.  I'm going to the pride lands "Claw ordered and set off for 8 days.

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