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Rani ran to Kion as the poison left her, hugged him and cried on his shoulder.
"I thought I lost you forever," she cried
"I told you I would never leave you and I'm going to stick to it." And their lips touched and Kion kissed Rani and Rani cried on.
"Oh Kion, Claw kicked me out when he kicked out the day pride, if we came back he would kill Baliya."
"But we have to come back it's our home"
"I don't want anything to happen to Baliy"
"Don't worry, here's a plan we'll get for day pride and my father ,—"
"We must save Nirmala, Suraka and Baliya as soon as possible."
"All right, Rani, I have a friend here along the way, and he could help, I'll explain the plan when we're with him."
"Okay, Kion, but we should get some sleep before the trip."

"Okay, Rani," and he licked her face

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"Okay, Rani," and he licked her face. Rani blushed and told Kion
"Oh, it's so beautiful to be warm with you," she said as they cuddled
"Yes, when I saw you with Claw, I thought I lost you."
"Never" and gave him a kiss, they held him for a long time, Kion found that he perceived a new kind of emotion and it was a wonderful feeling
"I love you Rani"
"I love you, too, Kion," and Rani fell asleep. Kion couldn't sleep, he heard a warning from the lions of the past
"pro-tec-t her" is all he heard
" I must to protect her? Yes, that's it, "he said to himself. Kion walked around the exhausted Rani all night, didn't want them to be divided again when something black came to him, Kion couldn't recognize it, and growled
"Who you are?"
"It's him!" He heard the animal cheer
"What is it?" And unobtrusively kicked Rani to wake him up
"Well, the well-known King Kion, the one who rose from the dead" Kion recognized it as a cougar
"How do you know?"
"I have orders from my master," she growled, and Rani had risen
"What did your master promise you for your help?" Rani asked
"That I will become his queen-"
"Don't believe Claw, he doesn't know what love is. I speak from personal experience "
"I- How do you know the almighty ruler of the tree of life sends me, -"
"He is our greatest enemy, and why are you doing this? Do you like, at least a little? ”
"Of course not, I'm talking about power"
"I know where you can rule. We'll help you get the territory, but something for something," Kion suggested
"What territory?" The cougar asked
"Next to the tree of life is a lake and around the lake there are large and extensive forests, it can be your territory and if you find a partner, you can start a royal family there."
"Agreed, what do you want for that?"
"A little help in controling up the tree of life,"
"You go back to the tree and say I have risen from the dead and we are going to the pride lands where you would not have a chance to kill us, and you tell a group of three brown lions and tell them that the real king and queen are waiting for them from the pass is all"
"Thank you, Your Majesty"
"Thank you too, your name?"
"Oh my name is Ahsoka"
"Thank you very much Ahsoka and it's time for you to go"
"Okay," and the cougar ran away
"Actually, we should go too, because if he can tell them today"
"Kion, you made one big mistake, the territory belongs to a big bear, and he, if we defeat him, he will return, and with his relatives and we will no longer have any hope, you must kill him "Rani told him
"But I don't want to take someone's territory - unless they respect the cuircle of life"
"Yes, it doesn't respect that, hardly anyone lives there, and when an animal is there and disturbs it from sleep, it won't turn out well."
"Well, we'll work out the bear after Claw, now it's time to go back for what belongs to us," Kion said confidently.
So they set out on a journey
Kion's thoughts
How to tell her that I fell in love with her, so shortly after the beginning of our relationship, it scares her, but I have to say how I feel about her. But only after the fight.
The two ran very fast, ran through the forest where Yun Mibu lives and kept running.
"Are you okay, Kion?"
"Yes, I'm just here, I had the worst day of my life, Scar almost took me to the side of evil, evil was at hand, and when I think about it, my scar starts to hurt again. What if she's never healed, what if Scar calls me to the side of evil again? ”Kion was worried
"If I'm with you, he'll never drag you, I promise," she pressed him. They hugged
"Thanks Rani, you can always calm me down"
"I'm here for you," and after a minute of caressing, they ran on.
They were almost on the other side of the lake when they had a decision in front of them.
"What we do, Kion, we can go around it or try to swim over it somehow"
"I have a better idea," Kion grinned
"That would-" Kion roared into the water and cleared their way, the two of them ran when Rani realized what she was doing, shoved Kion into it, and he stopped shouting and the water filled the way again as they swam Kion shouted
"What are you doing, Rani?" He asked angrily
"They would immediately realize who we are"
"Oh sorry, he didn't realize-"
“Kione? KIONE? ”Kion didn't answer, Rani realized he was too exhausted from using the roar.
Kion realized that he would no longer swim up and that not even Ran's blood circulating in his veins would save him, and he fainted.
Rani immediately sank and swam deep into the deep lake, and suddenly saw something like a yellow lion at the bottom of the lake. She swam for him but she was running out of breath but she didn't give up, she grabbed Kion and swam with him to the surface when she grabbed the last strength she had and swam up. There was only a moment left when Kion dropped her out. She also fainted and sank into the depths of darkness.
When Rani began to open her eyes, she heard voices, familiar voices.
"Baliyo, you were great-" Nirmala said
"Baliya, Nirmala? "Rani shouted
"Yes, Rani, it's us," Nirmala replied
"But what happened. I thought I was going to drown. "
"We'll tell you when Kion wakes up so we don't say it twice."
"Okay," Rani replied
Kion awoke for a moment, and Rani ran to him and kissed him.
"Janna?" Kion asked, confused
"But no, it's me, love," Rani told him
"But what happened? Kion asked

I'am sorry
that even this chapter is kra
However, I will publish more chapters but they will be shorter. Write me in the comments if you like it better, fewer chapters but longer, or shorter but more. Thank you

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