Battle of the tree

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"What are we going to do, Rani?" Baliyo asked
"We must hold them back until Kion returns. This is our last hope, "Rani replied
"Well, there are fewer of us. But that doesn't mean we're giving up. After all, we are lions, they only have two lions, let's show them how to fight properly, how to fight for our kingdom. We will win this battle. For Queen Janna! Rani said
"For Queen Janna! "Everyone repeated
"Let's wait for them at the mountain pass they can't get any further" and they left and waited for the Old to arrive when Scar spoke to Claw
"So how did you end up? Scar asked
"Well, Kion ran away, but they know about our attack. We should attack as soon as possible, "Claw explained
"Go, Claw, lead them, and I'll follow you down the hill," Scar said, and Claw ran out of the lair and shouted. He ran towards the mountain pass and the leopards, Ahsoka and Orly with him
When they heard Claw's roar, Rani shouted
With strench and respect
"Night Pride Protect," Night Pride replied
And they all ran as far away as possible so that the battle was as far away from the tree as possible
"Remember the battle as many resources as possible," and they encountered Scar's army
"Hi Rani," Claw said, and Rani growled
"Where is the famous King Kion? Did he run away from the fight? Claw laughed
"Into the fight" Rani shouted and started fighting with Article, which was helped by 3 leopards and 2 Eagles, Nirmala fought with five leopards and 1 eagle, Suraku with 4 leopards and Ahsoka and Baliyo with 6 leopards. Rani was pushed into a corner, then Claw growled
"Goodbye Rani, say hello to your parents" after the mention of Rana's parents, Rani became enraged and slashed Clawa over the leopard's head and threw him away and slashed another's belly. Suraku fought the superiority bravely, but he could not stand it for long, wounding Ahsoka and two leopards, but he was also wounded. Baliyo did not do well with the superiority, but he injured at least one leopard and was not injured himself. Nirmala was still fighting, but she was bleeding a lot. Rani was still holding on, but Scar and the rest of the leopards had already come down to her to neutralize her.
"He is fighting well, but you have no chance against us. I have an offer for you, you will kill Kion and we will leave you the tree of life. If you don't kill him, we'll kill him ourselves, "Scar offered
"Never," Rani said, and Scar jumped up and credited her
"Long live the queen! "And he reached for a deadly blow, and more than once someone knocked him down and fastened it. It was Kion and another 5 lions came into the battle, Kion successfully fought Scar, Kovu fought alongside Nirmali with a superiority but gradually won over them, Simba fought a lot of leopards and bit them, clawed, chopped. Baliyo helped Vitani, and Rani fought Shirak side by side against Ahsoka and Claw. Everything suddenly began to turn, the protectors of the tree of life began to win again, and Kion then shouted
"Everyone for me! He shouted and then everyone gathered for him and Scar said
"I'll see you later" and Kion shouted them away
They were all badly injured, Surak had a terribly cut face, Nirmale was bleeding his hip, Rani had a bite shoulder, and his paw was tested and limping. Baliyo was at his best with only a small incision but it was nothing serious. All newcomers from Pride lands had only minor scars.
"Thank you, Kion, everyone. You helped us a lot, "Rani said
"I'm glad you're okay," he hugged her. "Dad, will you stay or are you leaving? What about Day Pride? Kion asked
"They arrive here, they're just going the long way, so expect them in 8 days. But we can't stay, because there is no king or future king, "said Simba
"And I have to improve your path with-" Kion said
"Actually, Kion, I thought we could make the trip so that you could go there without a roar," Rani thought.
"Great idea, sons, you could come with us and make a trip at the same time," Simba said
"Okay, goodbye Night pride, if anything happens, send Ulla for me," Kion greeted and they left the mountain pass
They went through a canyon that was wide enough for anyone to fit in, then Kion roared up a tree and put one end of the tree on one side of the ravine so it was such a bridge. Then Kion unleashed such a storm at the riverbed that the water should remain, but there were not enough trees
"How do we do this so that the totads can be crossed? He asked Kov
"Well, here it will have to converge and then climb, on the way from pride lands in the opposite direction," Kion suggested.
"So Kion, I don't think we need you anymore. Happy journey, "Simba said
"Goodbye" and Kion ran back when it was sunset, Night pride began to patrol the tree of life and everything in the tree of life was quiet and peaceful
"Oh, we finally have at least a day at rest," Baliyo said
"Are you coming with us today?" Nirmala asked
"Yes today when Kion isn't here so yes" Rani said and they walked, the patrol going safely when Ullu saw a yellow animal, it was a little farther from the tree of life and it was running so it was announced by Night pride
"Night pride at the pass is a yellow animal," she said
"Quick Night is coming for me" and they ran to the mountain pass, when they ran there he was completely blocked
"We won't make the same mistake this time, we'll talk to the animal," Rani said as she entered the stones, they heard a roar and saw all the stones rising. And when he removed them they saw Kion on the other side
"Kion ?!" Rani shouted, Kino smiled
"Why did you do that! She shouted
"Well- there was a hare here in front of the entrance and -and- I wanted to help him from under the stone but then it all fell down" Kion stammered, he didn't expect such a reaction
"Come on then," Rani said angrily, scratching her scar, Kion went to sleep in a tree, thinking Rani must have had a scar hurt and was starting to have tantrums, finally falling asleep from the thought. He was awakened in the morning by a lick, looked up and saw Rani
"Morning," she said
"Morning," Kion replied with a smile on his face
"I want to apologize for yesterday," Rani hid her ears
"It's okay Rani, it was a scar"
"How do you know? She asked him
"From personal experience," Kion smirked and pulled her down and they kissed
"It's sad we'll see so little of each other now," Rani sighed
"Yes, but the protection of our kingdom is most important," he said as he pinned her and they began to wash and giggle, and Rani realized that Kion was reassuring her of the pain of the scar.

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