Scar ?!

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Claw was already close to the tree of life, only a short distance away to get back. While Rani had to lead Night Pride and Nalu into battle against multiple superiority, Rani was already thinking about a plan

"Nirmala, go free Kion and Simba, it's our only hope, try to drive the battle away and if Nirmala has trouble. We leav the battle, I'll try to sneak in there," Rani ordered.

When everyone fled to the battlefield and Nirmala crept toward the two lions, but she was guarded by 4 leopards, she didn't stand a chance and decided to wait for the right opportunity. Meanwhile, Rani and Nala fought most effectively on the battlefield, but it had virtually no effect against the superiority. Rani had 5 leopards against her and 1 tiger jumped on her at once and Rani roared in pain and when everyone heard it they ran to her aid and the battle shrank to a few square meters. Everyone was fighting in a terrible mess, and when Nirmala heard Rani's roar, she immediately ran to their aid, and when Rani saw her, it was time for the last hope.

"Retreat!" Rani shouted and everyone was running towards the tree, hoping no one would watch them, and it happened, Rani crawled away from the rest of the Night Pride and hid under one of the trees and began to sneak.

Claw was already close, very close Rani had for about 10 minutes, Rani crawled on and then

passed group, which by fought against Night Pride and heard them talking

"Claw arrives shortly and then Scar rises and the lives of the two bad kings people soon end," said the leopard.

And everyone started laughing and Rani crawled on when someone shouted

"One of their lions or lionesses crawled in here, there are traces here" Rani already realized that she had been betrayed and could only hope that a miracle would happen that something would distract them.

"Oh, but who's here?" She heard Clawa say, and they all gathered there immediately.

"Claw!" Kion growled

"Oh yes Kion, we meet again," Claw smiled mischievously

"What do you want," Simba snapped at him

"With your help, the return of an old friend and brother-in-law"

"How do you want to achieve that?" Kion snapped. Suddenly a fire began to burn and from it the fiery head of someone they did not want to see looked at Simba and Kion. It was Scar

"Scar," Rani muttered

"Hi, Simbo, Kione. Don't worry I'll end your suffering soon, Claw throw the ingredients in the fire. "

"Okay, Rafiki's staff," he said as he tooked her at it, and he threw her into the fire .Snake crawling up to take revenge on Ushari "The blood of two murderers" first Claw bit into Kion's shoulder, and Kion roared in pain because he could see the flesh. Now it was Simb's turn, he roared in pain as well, but his wound wasn't as big as Kion's, and then Rani noticed. They put an apple in Kion's mouth so he couldn't roared

Rani knew it might be a chance. Rani heard something happen and saw a big red flash, and after the flash there was a lion with orange fur and a black mane. It was Scar

"You are the killer of Kion, the lioness made you return to the tree of life just to protect her land," Scar said.

"I happen to love Rani, and she loves me. But now Scar is far away, it's your new threat, and when I leave, you'll meet Zira and Nuka in hell in a moment. Do you understand Scar when you kill us it will only strengthen her anger and believe me she will kill you "Kion explained

"No lioness can kill me," Scar replied

"But Rani is, but if you're so stubborn, you'll be in hell forever. No fiery head. Nothing else"

"You're lying!" Scar shouted, preparing for his fatal wound

Kion was already exposing himself to Scar's side, waiting for it, and then he said

"Goodbye Scar, remember my words. Rani will kill you "and Scar couldn't hold it anymore and punched him when Kion smelled the familiar smell

"Oh no Rani," he muttered, seeing her fighting Scar in front of him, and at that moment her hind leg was kicked and kicked Kion in the lip and he began to bleed but the apple fell out of his mouth and Rani continued to fight Scar, but then they came to the aid of the leopards and the snake that bit her on the other leg than the scar from her parents' death, Rani screamed in pain, and Scar pinned it

"Then this is supposed to be your threat, Kion!" Scar laughed

"Yes," Kion smiled, pretending to have an apple in his mouth

"Tie her to them," Scar ordered, and the leopards brought her to them

"So now it's easy to control Pride lands and Tree of life," Scar laughed

"Yes, Scar," Kion agreed, and everyone stared at him as Scar set out to kill him and Kion

He made a tornado that took Scar and everyone else and sent them away

"We must secure everything quickly, another attack may come. Dad, I hate to say it, but it's possible that Scar

Also on Pride lands, "Kion explained

"Yes, son, we will go. Rani, I would like to thank you for saving our lives we can for you

Do something? "Simba asked

"Ah... day pride is still in the pride lands so could you tell them they can come back?" Rani suggested

"Oh, I didn't tell you. Fuli with Azaad are running across the savannah looking happier than ever. Beshti is with

his dad and Ono is with herons, Bunga is with Binga, Timon and Pumba, they are really enjoy. I don't think they would want to come back but I'll try, "Simba promised

"Thank you, Dad. Rani, you've saved me several times. I don't know how to repay- "Kion said

"Don't leave me," she hugged him

"I will not leave," Kion promised

"Then we could go back to the tree," Simba suggested

"Good idea, Dad," Kion praised him

So they went to the tree while everyone was waiting for them at the pass and Baliyo ran to his sister and Nala to Simba

"You did it"

"Yes, little brother," Rani replied

"Everyone listen to me! Rani was fantastic and saved us but we couldn't help it

The worst- Scar is back, "Kion snapped, and everyone looked at him in fright

Then Kion looked at Rani

"Are you okay, is the scar big?"

"Perhaps I will," Rani sighed

"I'll look into it," Nirmala said

"Oh no I was afraid of that," Nirmala said, when looking at the scar

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