Well, Shit

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Five Months Later

Denki was so excited to see Shinsou again.

Since the boys' accidental encounter, days had bled into days had bled into weeks had bled into months, and five months later Shinsou had a schedule for visiting the cafe that Denki had figured out himself.

Every morning, Denki's first shift started at 8 AM. Shinsou would step into the coffee shop at exactly 8:43 AM, never a minute earlier or later, and leave fourteen minutes later, at 8:57 AM. Kaminari was proud that he could always pick out the alpha's scent in the morning rush of customers. Then, at 7:32 PM on the dot, Shinsou would drop in for a "donut for his sister" and a chat with Denki for an indeterminate amount of time, as all of Denki's coworkers and customers would be gone, having assumed the store was closed. Then the two would drive to their respective homes in their separate cars.

Kirishima had told Denki that after the first three months, Shinsou had figured out Denki's heat schedule and hung a bag of suppressants on the handle of the door in the mornings with a bashful smile whenever Denki was absent due to his heat. Bakugou and Mina thought it was kind of creepy, but Denki knew Shinsou meant well behind that mildly serial-killer-esque exterior, so it was more sweet than anything.

Denki had gotten to know Shinsou quite well over these five months. The pair had taken to writing notes to each other on receipts and coffee cups. Based on Hitoshi's coffee order, he was usually a serious person, drinking a cream- and sugarless, tall, black coffee every time he came in- it was Denki's little secret that he provided a caffeinated drink in the morning and decaf at night.

Despite how serious he seemed, Denki saw the alpha's smile every time the omega would scribble a quick, sparkly doodle on Shinsou's cup with a question or continuation of their conversation from the night before in Denki's round handwriting. And Shinsou never failed to reply to the question on his receipt, neatly printed under where he was asked to sign.

The rest of UA Coffee knew to leave Shinsou to Kaminari every time the alpha walked in. Denki's (definitely requited) crush was the butt of every joke the colleagues told under their breath whenever Shinsou was in the building.

At 8:37 AM, Denki's best friend Mina Ashido rested her chin on Denki's shoulder. "Waiting for Shinsou the big, sexy alpha?" she asked in her faintly Indian accent.

Mina was a beta and Denki's best friend, half Indian and half Japanese, born in India. She and Denki had met in and been inseparable since fourth grade when she moved countries, and by happy coincidence they'd both gotten jobs at UA Coffee. She had bigger aspirations, though, and was studying to be a chemist. Mina was in general fun-loving and sweet, though her unfortunate acclimation to playing Cupid meant she was currently fixated on what she called "The ShinKami Project."

"Just- just checking if he's gonna be on time," Denki reasoned aloud. "It's not a big deal. He might be due for a rut soon, I think."

"Sure," she laughed, the horned headband she wore tickling Denki's jaw. "That's all it is. You're not worried about him at all."

Denki's jaw clenched. "I just- he pushes himself a lot and he told me he nearly went into a rut during work because he had a presentation and made himself do it." He looked at his knuckles, which were clenched so tight his healthy tan was turning white.

"He'll be fine," Mina yawned, massaging Denki's shoulder and turning back to her work. "You need his number so you can ask these things."

Denki blushed. Another thing his coworkers often made fun of: In the five months Denki had been crushing on Shinsou, he'd never once gotten the tall alpha's number.

8:43 AM came and went, with Denki standing tense and stiff as he waited. At around 9 AM, Shinsou walked in unsteadily, and Denki brightened.

"Are you alright?" Denki asked concernedly as Shinsou approached the counter.

Shinsou looked him dead in the eyes, pupils blown wide, and Denki gasped as he inhaled the pheromones basically dripping off of the alpha.




Whoops I forgot the author's note lol

Thanks for reading this far if you have! I noticed engagement levels were low, it'd be cool if anyone had any ideas to increase engagement- but this was more reads than I ever anticipated, I'm used to no one seeing my work, so thank you for that.

Thoughts that keep me awake: A large amount of olive oil usage in general in Ancient Greece was actually for gay men's (I'll let you use your imagination), used often for lube because lube just wasn't a thing back then. The Ancient Greeks were actually okay with homosexuality because the god Apollo was a raging bisexual.

love and support -gale

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