A Rose For a Rose

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Today was the day.

Hitoshi Shinsou, 20-year-old dominant alpha male, was going to ask Denki Kaminari out on a date come hell or high water, and there was nothing life or anyone else could do about it. He only had a day to ask Denki out anyway, as the omega's week-long heat was in two days and he always took off a day early. By the time the heat was over, Shinsou would have lost the motivation that was overpowering the fear of rejection.

Today had to be the day.

He'd tried to start a conversation in the morning, but UA had been bustling with customers and a very rude girl had spent the entire time clearing her throat loudly and aggravatingly while he'd tried to talk to Denki, so he wasn't able to during his visit. Besides, it wouldn't have been very romantic to ask him right then, so maybe it had been a blessing in disguise.

He wouldn't be able to at lunch, because Denki's shift ended at 11 AM and Shinsou's lunch break started at 12:05 PM.

So all he had was the evening coffee visit.

He'd decided that today was the day because of the sleepover. It had only been a month ago, but Shinsou couldn't stop thinking about how very, very close he'd been to finally kissing Denki, hugging Denki, touching the beautiful omega. At the party, Denki had opened up to Shinsou and Hitoshi had even gotten to cuddle him. Ever since that night, it was like Shinsou could feel this invisible string tugging him towards Denki at all times. Like Denki was his true North. Their texting conversations had become blatantly flirty to a point that it was hard for even Shinsou to ignore, and Shinsou was one of the most dense people he himself knew. And the alpha didn't think he would be able to handle it if Denki's heat started randomly for some reason or the other and Shinsou would have to keep himself from finally ravishing the omega the way he did in the dreams he'd had.

So all in all, today was the day.

He arrived at 7:32 PM sharp, seeing Denki prop open the door for him as he pulled up. The single red rose Shinsou had sitting in the passenger seat of his car still had a price tag on it, and he pulled it off. No reason for Denki to find out the alpha had bought a $500 flower for him.

Carefully picking up the flower and tucking it into his suit jacket, Hitoshi stepped out of the car, walking into the cafe. Denki was already making his coffee and greeted him with a smile.

When Denki saw Hitoshi walk in, he was already making the alpha's coffee. He beamed at the alpha, handing him the coffee once he was done. He walked out from behind the counter and opened his arms for a hug, something Shinsou seemed okay with doing since the sleepover, but then noticed that the alpha was still wearing his suit jacket.

"Oh, maybe you should take off the jacket- don't wanna wrinkle it, do we, Mr. Big Shot?" Denki winked at Shinsou playfully. He turned around and looked for the broom. Sometimes while he and Shinsou talked, Denki would sweep and Hitoshi would sit on the counter and drink his coffee. Usually, though, Shinsou would help out with the cleanup. Denki found the broom after a few minutes and stopped to untie and retie his hair, puffing at it in frustration when the lightning bolt almost immediately fell free of the hair tie.

Shinsou was being oddly quiet.


When he faced Shinsou again, he dropped the broom with a clatter.


In the middle of the room.

Suit jacket off.

Violet eyes open and unsure.

Holding a single red rose.

The omega's hands flew to his face. "Finally." he breathed.

"Denki Kaminari," Shinsou smiled. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

The next thing he felt was Denki as the omega crashed into him with all of his weight, lips meeting Shinsou's in a kiss that was six months overdue. The alpha didn't even get time to breathe.

What started out panicky soon slowed as Shinsou relaxed into Denki and kissed back. The omega calmed down when he realized the alpha wasn't backing away. Denki's lips were soft, not even a little bit chapped, and he tasted like caramel and apples and coffee and love and home. The omega's arms were around Shinsou's neck, elbows on the alpha's shoulders and fingers twined in his purple hair. Hitoshi's hands moved to Kaminari's waist almost instinctively, pulling him as close as possible. Denki's scent was amazing, sexy and excited and positively euphoric. Hitoshi wondered somewhere in the back of his mind why he hadn't done this sooner. Every shift in their movement, every breath they took, quick and desperate to move back to the kiss, was magnified by a thousand as the Shinsou held Denki. The word soulmates rang faintly in his head and Shinsou deepened the kiss. Soulmates? It made sense.

Like how he could pick out Denki's specific scent in a room full of people.

Like how he could read Denki's emotions, especially when the omega didn't want him to.

Like how every time they touched, it felt like a million-volt shock going down Shinsou's spine.

Like how this moment, kissing a boy he'd met only six months ago, felt like everything.

He felt a pinch at his bottom lip and allowed Denki entrance, the smaller boy's tongue exploring Shinsou's mouth, frantic and excited. When he slipped his own into Denki's after a short battle for dominance (that the omega had no chance of winning), Kaminari released a pleasured moan, sucking on it, and Shinsou could practically feel all the blood in his body going to his dick. Wow, that was going to be dealt with when he went home. He wasn't going to go that fast with Denki, though. He remembered how that had turned out before- but he couldn't think about that. Not with this beautiful boy between his arms.

When they finally pulled away, Denki smiled, biting his abused lips and resting his forehead against Shinsou's. Both boys were panting hard from the sudden loss of oxygen, but Denki managed to ask, "Everything you imagined?"

"Holy shit," was Hitoshi's articulate response.

"Profanity," Kaminari whispered with a mischievous grin, pulling Shinsou back in.



Hello, beautiful!

Smol issue- I might no be able to post again for a few years haha '^^ (edit: issue resolved)

I wanted to get this out asap just for you guys.

Know that if I can't post again, your lovely comments and support are what keeps me writing. (Even if I have been threatened by my own comment section- I read all of your comments, loves, all of them.)

This is by no means the end!

Love, kisses, and tight, tight bear hugs,


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