He Just Couldn't

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(Mild abuse warning)

Two Days Later

Two days later, at about 8 PM at night, Denki left the bathroom of his house clean and feeling fresh from a shower. He'd gotten a ton of tips, and Shinsou had come back in the evening, and the alpha's rut was nearly over. Overall, today was feeling like a pretty good day.

Denki wore an oversized hoodie and a pair of black yoga pants, brushing through his hair with his fingers as he sang the final notes of Get Down from Six. He traipsed into the kitchen, hoping to avoid his parents.

He stepped into the kitchen and looked for the bread so he could make a simple grilled cheese and go back to his room as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, his father walked in as Denki was leaving. The omega's breath caught, avoiding his father's eyes and hoping he'd be left alone.

"Queen of the castle, my ass." His father grumbled, catching Denki by the arm. "Sit down, kid."

Denki nodded, eyes downcast. He seated himself at the dining table with his grilled cheese.

His dad settled heavily in the chair across from Denki, cracking open a beer he'd gotten from the fridge. "Denki, you have to quit with the singing. Next thing you'll be wanting a career in it. God knows you've already become enough of a slut without putting yourself on the stage. Don't think your mother and I don't see the clothes you wear outside the house."

Denki looked up at his dad, about to protest, then back down.

His dad had his eyes closed, a clear sign of him going down the warpath. "I mean, you're a male omega, which is already a go-ahead for every alpha within forty miles to rape you. And then this bisexuality shit..." He looked up at his son, taking a long drag of his beer. "Son, you're becoming a fag and a whore, and your mother and I are wo-"

Denki stood up. "I don't- I don't have to listen to you call me names. You can't just-"

His dad grabbed Denki's wrist, pulling the omega back to a sitting position. "As long as you live under my roof, you listen to what I have to say. Don't make me the bad guy here," he glared at his son. "You're the one that chose to be like this. We're just trying to save you from yourself. I mean, you're already bisexual or whatever you said you were. If you can like girls, try to just... like girls, son. There's no point liking other boys if you don't have to. Find a nice alpha woman to mate with." Tabby padded underneath the table, jumping onto Denki's lap with ease and kneading into Denki's legs until she was comfortable.

Therefore, the cat was very surprised when Denki wrenched his wrist away from his dad and backed up, catching Tabby under her front legs and shaking his head. "I can't-" He shut up when his dad delivered a hard slap across his face. Denki thanked God he was tanned and didn't have to worry about the mark showing up. He was just glad his mother wasn't bringing out the broomstick or kicking him along with this.

His father repeated, "You will listen to me. As. Long. As. You. Live. Under. My. Roof."

Denki couldn't. He just couldn't.

He pulled away again and stepped upstairs as quickly as he could, locking himself in his room. He heard his dad call "Idiot." from downstairs and retreat into his bedroom again as the omega desperately looked around his room.

Grabbing a backpack, Denki pulled as many clothes as he could into the bag with a faint smile when he looked at the outfit he'd been wearing earlier when he got Shinsou's number. He wasn't entirely sure where he was running away to until he saw that outfit, and then Denki had a destination in mind.

He grabbed the Pikachu bank that he kept his tips in and tore the sign he'd used as Shinsou's profile picture off of the wall, stuffing it in whatever space was left in the backpack. Denki grabbed his phone from where it lay on his neatly made bed, seeing a reply from Shinsou, two days overdue.

Once the bag was nearly bursting at the seams, he scooped up the cat and quietly left the house, his heart beating out of his chest. He kept looking back, terrified he'd see his father chasing after him.

The omega was anxious, but prepared. He knew where he was going, and he'd been planning to leave since he was twelve. Once he crossed the street and could no longer see his house, he felt a release in his chest, like the chains that had held him down for so long were finally broken, but he couldn't help but feel guilty at leaving his parents.

He steeled himself against thoughts like that and kept walking, checking his phone as he passed a street sign. Shinsou had finally replied to his text about an hour ago, an entire two days later.

You smell nice, I guess was the reply Denki received, and he tried not to laugh. The blonde had a wide vocabulary of words he could describe Shinsou's scent with, and "nice" was probably the least erotic one he could think of. Ah, unrequited love.

Denki reached his car, which his parents had made him park as far away from the house as possible because it was small and utterly unlike the sophisticated one his parents had wanted him to buy. Shortly after he'd gotten his car, Bakugou had made some joke about how the only way Denki would ride in a slick car would be if he rode off into the sunset with a hot alpha in the driver's seat.

The omega tried to laugh at the memory, but it came out more like a sad wheeze. He stepped into his car, sitting Tabby down in the passenger seat and dumping his backpack and the Pikachu bank in the back.

He put the little yellow car in reverse, then drive, as he fought off the tears and tried to remember the directions to where he was going as his vision started to blur.

Twenty minutes and four miles later, Denki knocked on the door, biting his lip and waiting for someone to open up.



Hello, lovelies! I hope you're aware from the last chapter that this one hits close to home for me. As always, I cover up my pain with humor so I'm going to laugh that off.

I told you there would be a 1000-word chapter somewhere. This one is 1061 words. >:)

If any of you out there are experiencing this in your own lives, I hope Denki leaving gives you hope that one day you can too. (STAY IN SCHOOL THO I STG THAT'S IMPORTANT) This is, in fact, child abuse, and no matter "how much worse others have it," no one deserves to be treated this way. It's called gaslighting, and is the same thing Mother Gothel did to keep Rapunzel in the tower.

Welp there's my fun fact for the day

In case you were wondering what the whole "queen of the castle" bit was:

Warm hugs and it will be okay -gale

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