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   The omega immediately felt slick pouring out of him, heat consuming his insides as his heart thudded in his chest.

Shinsou's arms were encircled protectively around Denki, but that was nowhere near where Denki wanted them at that moment. He ground against the alpha, whose eyes widened with disbelief.

"You can..." He wasn't going to be able to breathe right until Shinsou's knot was inside him. "You can take me, alpha." He tried to look as seductive as possible, helplessly tangled in Hitoshi's arms.

"What?" Denki could see Shinsou struggling to remain decent. Everyone else was already gone; it was 10 in the morning and all the sleeping bags were empty, the basement door shut at the top of the stairs. Denki assumed they were making breakfast, something all of UA did during sleepovers, trying to outdo each other in a cooking competition that the Todorokis usually won. That memory was fuzzy, though, and what felt more important at the moment was getting this hot alpha inside his pants.

"Please fuck me, alphaaaaaaa," Denki begged slowly, lasciviously, and above all, desperately. He wrapped an arm around Shinsou's neck, trying to go in for a kiss while simultaneously using his free hand to move Shinsou's hand down Denki's pants. Shinsou scooted away and out of the sleeping bag, stumbling to get as far away from the omega as possible.

Denki bit his swollen lower lip, hurt. "You don't want meeeeeeeee," the blond omega babbled, tears streaming down his face. "I've had a crush on you for months, and you don't even want meeeeeeee..." Denki sobbed, the uncomfortable heat in his veins starting to burn.

Shinsou's face crumpled at the omega's words, and he pulled out his phone, though Denki wasn't sure what for. "I want you inside me, alpha," Denki cried out. He remembered what Shinsou had said in the cafe about consent, and he added, "You have my consent" in a pathetic whimper. Shinsou just shook his head.

Reading off his phone, the alpha explained shakily, like he was trying not to breathe through his nose, "An alpha using their alpha voice, i.e. the dominant tone of voice they develop around the time they are assigned their subgender, has the ability to send an omega into heat, usually a particularly painful heat if they are close to their naturally timed heat. The heat induced by the alpha voice, however..." Shinsou trailed off with a groan. "The heat induced by the alpha voice cannot be controlled by suppressants, as it is fundamentally used by the alpha, not the omega, for mating purposes." Shinsou sat against the wall with a sigh, and Denki could see the tent forming in his pants from where the omega was folded into himself. "And your heat comes in two days, doesn't it, kit- Denki?" Denki whimpered and nodded.

The omega struggled to breathe, his eyes focused on Shinsou's. "What're you doing, alpha?" Shinsou was staring at his phone and digging his fingernails into his palm with his free hand. "Texting Mina," the alpha responded, his voice strained. "She can't smell either of us."

Denki crawled painfully out of the sleeping bag while Shinsou was preoccupied. The omega pulled himself into Shinsou, and the alpha nearly choked in surprise, his arms automatically going around Denki and dropping his phone. "Shit, Denki," the alpha protested unconvincingly, nose going straight for Kaminari's neck. Hitoshi's eyes nearly rolled back in pleasure when he breathed the shorter boy in. The omega licked his lips slowly, enjoying how the alpha in his arms flicked his violet eyes up to watch the movement.

Shinsou growled softly, the look in his eyes making it seem like he was going to eat Denki.

An alarm clock hit the alpha across the side of the head and the purple-haired man was knocked unconscious with a grunt.

"Alpha!" Denki cried, burying his face in the other man's chest and beginning to tear up.

Scents - A Shinkami Omegaverse AUWhere stories live. Discover now