All for nothing

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It was Wednesday, three days before the Christmas Gala. It was a pretty normal day at school. Greta was at her locker getting her things for the day.
"Hey pretty," a voice said behind her.
She jumped and then laughed, "Geez Princy don't do that."
He laughed, "Can I talk to you really quick?"
"Sure what's up?"
"Will you go to the gala with me?"
Greta looked at Nick, "Nick-"
"Look I know what you're gonna say. I don't care what people will think. I don't care what my parents will think. I really care about you and things need to change around here and it can start with you accompanying me to the gala," Nick pulled a single rose out of his bag and held it out to Greta.
She thought for a minute before smiling, "yeah Princy I'll go with you."
"Wooo," shouted Nick as he picked her up and spun her around. People started to stare at them. But they didn't care.
"Ok ok calm down," Greta said laughing.
"We should met up after school," Nick said.
"Don't you have stuff to do for the gala today Princy?"
"I think I can make time in my schedule for you."
She laughed, "alright I'll see you later."

After he left Heather and Eben approached Greta.
"August is up to something," Heather said.
"We heard her talking to her minions about something while they were staring at you and Nick,"
Eben said.
"Are we surprised? She's always up to something," Greta said. Heather and Eben looked at each other unsure. "Come on guys let's not let her ruin our day. How was your little date with Brody Eb?" Greta asked.
His eyes went wide, "How did you know about that?"
"Come on did you really think we weren't gonna find out about that?" Heather asked.
"Yeah I guess I should have just told you from the start. It was really nice. He asked me to the gala and I said yes," Eben said smiling.
"Aw Benny asked me this morning too. Now we all have dates to the gala! I'm happy we get to experience our first gala together," Heather said.
"Yeah this will be fun. Come on we better get to class," Greta said.

Little did the group know August had been watching them the whole time and was planning something.
"Alright ladies remember, the second that school ends operation humiliate my sister and break her and Nick up begins," she chuckled lightly and her friends joined her.

School went by quickly. Things were going well for Greta. Her and the other misfits did really well on their presentation in their Christmas Cheer class and her teachers were being fairly nice to her today.
It was now the end of the day and Greta was looking for Nick in the hallway.
"Waiting for your boy toy?" A voice asked.
Greta turned to find August a few feet away from her leaning against the lockers.
"Leave me alone August," Greta said annoyed.
"I have something. Something I think you're gonna wanna hear," she said.
"August I want nothing from you. Can't you just leave me alone for once," Greta said.
"So I guess you don't want to know what your boyfriend really thinks of you," she said.
Greta looked at her confused, "what are you talking about?"
"He thinks this was all a mistake. You don't belong here and even he thinks so."
"You've lost your mind. I don't believe you for one second."
"I have proof. I recorded him saying it. Here I'll play it right now," August brought out her phone and hit play on a video.

The recording was of Nick and his parents talking.
"Nick why don't you explain why you're hanging out with the misfits more specifically Greta Grinch," Santa said.
"She's helping me with the case. She's found the most evidence and put the most pieces together."
Greta grew confused. Where was this going? A crowd of people started to form including Heather, Eben, Benny, and Brody. They wanted to hear what this was all about.
"You haven't fallin for Greta Grinch have you?" His mother said.
"Being with her was a mistake. They don't belong here."
The recording stopped. Greta had tears in her eyes. She doesn't cry often but when she does it's for good reason.
"I told you Greta. You are nothing like us. You will never belong here and now Nick sees it too," August said with a smirk on her face.
"Why? Why do you hate me so much? You're the one that ruined everything not the other way around. You're the one that spilt up my dad and Martha not the other way around," Greta shouted with tears streaking down her face.
People around her gasped in shock. The truth was finally out.
"Yeah that's right my dad wasn't the cheater. Martha was," Greta said. August looked at her mad. She never wanted the truth to get out.
Suddenly Nick emerged from the crowd and saw the state she was in.
"Greta are you ok?" He moved to hug her.
Greta pushed him away. "Get away from me I don't want to see you ever again," Greta pushed her way through the crowd. Nick followed her outside.
"Greta wait what's going on?"
"Why don't you tell me Nick? After all this was all just a mistake right?" She said through tears.
"What are you talking about?"
"'Being with her was a mistake? They don't belong here?' Sound familiar Nick?"
By now the four other friends had come outside and were watching the scene unfold.
Realization hit Nick, "No no this is all a misunderstanding I didn't say that-"
"Really cause that really sounded like your voice on the tape. From now on I'm done helping you with the case and you can forget whatever this is that we have going on. I wouldn't want you to ruin your perfect imagine," Greta started walking away.
"Greta please let me explain."
"No I don't want you anywhere near me. Leave me alone," she said running toward Misfit Town.
Nick tried to go after her but someone grabbed his arm and spun him around. He was now face to face with Eben.
"I think you've done enough for one day. Let her go," he let go of his arm and followed after Greta with Heather close behind him.
Benny and Brody approached him.
"Give her sometime Nick. I'm sure she will come around," Brody said sincerely.
"When Brody? I think I just lost her forever and I don't even know how," Nick sat down on the sidewalk.
The boys sat down next to him.
"We will explain everything to you. We saw it all go down. You can win back your girl we just need a plan," Benny said.
"Come on let's go back to my place and warm up. I'll make hot chocolate," Brody said.
The other boys agreed and they headed to Brody's house.

After spending sometime drinking hot chocolate, explaining to Nick what August did, and sitting by the fire the boys started talking about what they were gonna do.
"I don't even know where to begin. I wish things weren't like this. Why can't everyone be like us and accept the misfits for who they are!" Nick said.
"I feel the same way. I mean I don't care if Eben's a misfit. He accepts me and I accept him. Why can't everyone be like that," Brody said.
"Wait a minute I have an idea. This isn't going to be easy and it could either go very much in our favor or not in our favor but either way I think this could really show Greta that you really do care for her," Benny said.
"What is the idea? I will do anything!" Nick said.
"It's gonna take some teamwork. We will need help from Heather and Eben," Benny said.
"Let's see if they will meet up with us Friday. That way they have sometime to cool off and we have time to get our plan together," Brody suggested.
"Good idea Brody. Ok so here's the plan," Benny went on to explain the plan. Nick immediately agreed. It wasn't going to be easy but he needed to show Greta that this wasn't all for nothing.

Authors Note
I hope you guys like where this story is heading. Comment down below your thoughts!
Much love❤️

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