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"Talk about what?" Nick asked confused.
"Get inside Nicholas," his mother said.
Nick walked inside. "What's going on?"
"Go in the living room. We need to have a talk," said Santa.
"About what?"
"Just do what you're told," his mother said.
Nick walked to the living room and sat down in one of the chairs.
"Ok can someone please explain to me what is going on? I'm very lost," Nick said.
"I think you should start by explaining your little stunt you pulled with August yesterday," his mom said.
"And while you're at it why don't you explain why you're hanging out with the misfits more specifically Greta Grinch," his dad continued.
Nick sighed. That's what Benny was talking about.
"Guys look I know you want what's best for me but being with August isn't what's best for me. I'm not happy with her. I don't love her," Nick said.
"She is the perfect girl for you Nick," his mom said.
"No she isn't mom. She's mean and she thinks she's better then everyone else at school. Being with her was a mistake."
"She is the sweetest girl I have ever met. I don't know why you are acting like this. It must be those misfits, they must be brainwashing you," his father said.
"Dad the misfits have been fine. They are actually nice when you get to know them," Nick tried to reason.
"Nicholas you are not to go anywhere near the misfits anymore. Especially Greta Grinch. She is trouble and she definitely is behind the toys going missing," his dad said.
"Dad, Greta had nothing to do with the toy case. She has been nothing but helpful and nice. I'm going to prove you all wrong just you wait and see."
"If you go near Greta and the other misfits again you will not like the outcome. They are nothing but trouble. They are probably getting close to you so they can ruin Christmas even more. They don't belong here."
"That's not true dad! How can you even say that? They don't belong here. You don't know them. They've been through a lot and just because they don't like Christmas doesn't mean we need to treat them the way we do."
"Nicholas they are trying to ruin Christmas why can't you see that?" Santa questioned.
"Dad they are have been nothing but nice and helpful to me. Especially Greta. She's the one who's been helping me the most with this case. She's found the most evidence."
Nick knew he shouldn't be telling them about Greta helping him with the case but was in too deep. There was no stopping now.
"Excuse me?! She's been what?!" Santa exclaimed.
"She's been very helpful dad. She's really really smart too. She's been able to help out pieces together and find evidence and more. I wouldn't be where I am in the case without her," he said sincerely.
"Nicholas Claus you are not to spend anymore time with the Grinch's daughter. For all you know she could be screwing with the evidence to make it look like a villager did it," Mrs. Claus spoke sternly.
"Mom I'm telling you! You guys are painting her to be this horrible villain and she isn't! She's kind, she's smart, she's funny-"
"You haven't fallin for Greta Grinch have you?" His mother asked.
"I think I have mom," Nick said. "We have similar senses of humor, we work really well together and you know what mom she makes me happier then August ever did-"
"That's it go to your room Nicholas we will discuss this later. I can't believe your behavior right now dumping August for the Grinch's daughter," his father said.
"But dad-"
"Not another word. Go!" He shouted.
Nick went upstairs and slammed his door. He couldn't believe how his parents were acting. He knew one thing though. He was not going to let his parents get in the way of his relationship with Greta. There was something special there and he knew that. He didn't care what they thought. He felt like he could be in love with her. Love? He wasn't sure but he wanted to find out. He wanted to find out with her.

The next day Eben went to school very nervous. He didn't tell the others what today was. He didn't want to make a big fuss out of it. Today was the day that he was gonna ask Brody out. Brody had been helping him in some of his classes for the past few weeks and he felt like there could be something there. They had been growing closer and closer and now he felt ready to take this big step.
After his first few classes it was finally time for his free period. They had the same free period which made it easy for them to meet up in the secluded part of the library. As Eben approached the library his heart started racing. Maybe it wasn't the right time. Should he wait a few more weeks? Does he feel the same? All these thoughts kept racing through his mind as he walked to the back of the library.

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